Culinary prescriptivism has no place in a conversation about macaroni and cheese. From the fanciest of…
Culinary prescriptivism has no place in a conversation about macaroni and cheese. From the fanciest of…
A couple were cruising up the beach a few years ago at very low altitude. I assumed they were "strafing" for girls.
Any fighter plane that looks like it's smoking a cigar while doing its job gets my vote. Hands-down, the A-10 is one of my favorite planes. That is all.
I miss the test flights out of Hagerstown MD that would come over our house when I was a kid. You could hear them coming from miles away, finish your dinner and go outside and watch them come overhead.
I wish all of our fighters were required to have shark teeth painted on them. Like a seriously mean face looking right down on you from above saying...
Grainy footage shot by Al Jezeera of an F-4 Phantom fighter attacking ISIS positions in eastern Iraq surfaced today.…
I could write this comment now or hours later and I think all I would have to write is: