The Ja Rule of Kinja

Stuart Semple is like a relative Lawful Good*. almost like he exists in the art space as the answer to the Lawful Evils like Kapoor and Pantone. Like Batman....but for art.

Man. I don’t have FOMO AT ALL sticking to CS5.

The question is “Who is getting their primary information fro Twitter?” and “If it actually has an effect on votes outside of primaries.” Not “What are the different types of mis-information that can be found on Twitter?”

That is the thing that I am questioning. Does it actually have a meaningful effect if, as in your example, less than 1% of the voters that are also on twitter are actually swayed by what they read on twitter.

Auto alert from the bird app? Like a pinned tweet on the app?

yeeps. I can definitley see that as a possible effect. Any actual examples of this happening in America? Because, just to be clear, my question isn’t about the types of misinformation that can be found on the bird app. My question is how that misinformation has actually translated in to action or inaction outside of

Does Twitter have a election mobilizing effect? Like, I know twitter can shift peoples opinions of candidate choices within their likely conservative or liberal pool of candidates, but are twitter people motivated to actually GO to the polls based on information found there?

Does it have a de-mobilizing effect,

If they keep firing every person with a past, how will anyone learn what attrition or a proper model looks like?

I mean, is this not just another attempt by Musk to get the deal called off?

i can buy that

It’s not clear if the camera count for DC includes both the Federal and Local cameras; there are approaching over 300 local traffic cams. At any rate it is amazing how hard it is to catch criminals here.

I know she mentions Chopper and the reporter suggests Dr. Kureha, but after watching Everything Everywhere at Once, Curtis could be a solid contender for Don Flamingo.

I thought CB was done well enough to warrant at least another season with fresh stories, but a 2nd season would likely just focus on Ed.

Mine was a 6-speed manual. Beside it being a near perfect specimen of a daily driver, with the lightest dusting of snow you could turn the traction control off and do near zero point donuts all day. It’s so low to the ground too it was like driving a go kart. I really miss that car. Lost it getting rear end sandwiches

Aw man. Can’t believe I missed my chance to submit.
Welp, Late submission.

Might not be the likeliest, but still plausible and therefore tragic.

Nope’ what? That it is plausible? Because just about every tweet in the article infers it is plausible to transmit.

Dang. Super plausible that the owners themselves transmitted the flu to the birds.

Learn how to detect sarcasm hoe.

But Obama.....