The Ja Rule of Kinja

Framing wise, I don’t think this is about regulation. It is information gathering. The feds have the right to know how much Texas is contributing to greenhouse gases. The feds also have the right to “intervene” if citizens are suffering from a lack of the right to electricity because state policies.

Don’t let Anish Kapoor get his hands on it!

Anecdotally, I’ve won as much as $3k raising on bullshit so I’m not convinced that logic always wins. Sunk-Cost is a great motivator. I always bat an eye at counterclaims that consist of “what the majority of people would do” as a basis for suspicion. She’s lucky enough,

Exactly what is Jezebel's brand now? 

Lil bit of thunder.....

20 years ago you would have said the same thing as Arnold, Schwarzenegger and Van Damme wanned; Bruce Willis hung around for a bit. But then The Rock starred in a movie with Sean William Scott (The Rundown) where Arnold almost seems to give The Rock a nod indicating that it is his time now. It was super obvious and

No piece of property, even a beloved car, isn’t worth endangering yourself.”

Why admit I suck at a game when I am so excellent at trying to make the content creators feel shitty?

I’m sure if you had a private conversation with most cops they’d condemn most of the behavior they are in the news for anyway. Entire point of the comment is that “We’ll see”.

Hope the lady gets all the coins she deserves, but there will be no actual justice for her injury.

Remember that SC ruling in 2005 that “Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone” that was reconfirmed in like 2018 and again in 2022

Of course he is responsible for his own behavior, but this event has been a menace to the public for years. The same logic for why Cars & Coffee are getting shut down, seemingly mostly because of the actions of Mustang drivers.

Absolutely the right approach.
1. The attention puts pressure on Spotify to de-platform these.
2. The attention informs me and presumably others like me that simply do not have the bandwidth to keep up with the latest fascist trends, symbology and and imagery.
3. I already assumed that the music being played by these

Glad we got that sorted. Carry on.

Are you implying that The Root writers are somehow too stupid/unprofessional to do diligence to know the race of their subject?

If so, go fuck yourself.

Are you agreeing with the commenter by implying that because it’s published on AVClub wrote it, they actually might not have known?

If so, still please go fuck

What a stupid comment. Please delete your Kinja now.

Reminds me of the guy just doing his job by asking for Dale Earnhardt Jr’s credentials when he tried to reenter the track.

Looks suspiciously like a Portal Turret.

Maybe we shouldn’t put 9000 people on a boat at once.

I would have thought there was enough creative license to state that the commentary is not necessarily a statement of history or was something that was said by someone in real life but not an assertion of the show.

Either way, she was slighted and seems Netflix made right by her.

I don’t understand how Amazon could just shut down reviews of their show on RT, a site they don’t own. Does RT aggregate/scrape reviews from other sites? Does this shut down if reviews really mean they restrict access to RT for the 72 hours?