The Ja Rule of Kinja

Generally agree, but one of these things is not like the other. 

Are you talking about the one the FDA just back pedaled on and said should only be used on early diagnosis?

No lie, I am almost certain that Dr. Fauci is salivating over the prospect of mRNA paths for HIV treatment. I’m honestly glad we have a “science” friendly administration at the moment.

As a side note, I can guarantee these depraved assholes that keep making up lies about mRNA vaccines would not open their mouths if

Not sure if your questions are serious or if you are playing faux-intellectual. 

No, the entire mRNA justification isn’t that it covers broader mutations. In fact, the coverage of mutations was a side effect later discovered. The point of the mRNA vaccine is that it actually takes less time and funding to develop. The

The thing that bothered/s me the most about “America’s Frontline Doctors” is that they are doctors. They have Medical degrees. Someone saw them fit for medical practice. 

God I wish you had posted that with actual links. 

Silly me. How tf do you put out an underwater fire? For the sake of argument let's say this was a natural fire under similar conditions and the solution isn't just to turn the spigot off. 

Well played, sir 

Seems like a lot of folks all of a sudden are pulling the “Britney can speak for herself” / “I don’t wanna infringe on Britney’s agency” card. 

just wanted to capture your star count for posterity before I gave you mine.

Alternatively it’s a great way to get a sex kink named after you. 

Solid assessment. You saved me the trouble of rewatching that game.

Obviously Pippen feels the way he does. But I think this resonates as odd, misguided and likely untrue to most of us.

This honestly reminds me a lot of the situation with Rashad McCants and UNC basketball. I just feel bad/sad for them both to have come to a point to feel the need to try and pinpoint the exact source

I know sending a Rumba to Mars and cleaning the panels is out of the questions, but hear me out....Why not just fly the helicopter over the panels to displace the dust?

I don’t think the sarcasm of this post works if

Also, you do realize people agreeing with Mackie isn’t a counterpoint to him having an original thought, right? The statement itself was not something that was said before, and if you’ve ever read anything else that has come out if Mackie’s mouth you’d know that his thoughts are definitley his own and not parroted.

you do know you misread the sarcasm in their reply, right?

I didn’t get the show. It wasnt very funny to me and so far removed from what Foxx has become in his acting career that iot screams “try hard” as he imitates his younger self.

The Upshaws, however, could stand to have at least 2 more seasons. I describe it as an immensely truer to it’s title “Modern Family”.

I love a good corporate smash and bash, but come on. It’s not even fine print. It’s a feature and not just advertised by the electric company but by Google themselves. It’s literally the reason I never signed up for a free nest via my Electric company. I bought one outright and love it. The only problem i have is

Sean and Gus for sure.
Cas & Dean though are a peak example of characters that the fandom ‘shipped and the writers leaned into queerbaiting with.
At some point it seems to be clear that actors know what their characters relationships “could” look like, but also recognize that they live in a world that their simple