The Ja Rule of Kinja

Sometimes it feels like people are actually being punished for their shitty behavior coming to light, rather than their actual shitty behavior. I imagine that for every person, super upset about the apology, saying that it isn’t enough, or pulling every other thing they would have done that Teigan didn’t do as a

Low odds of knowing. Not low odds of that action being guided by bias, which by the way is just as bad as knowing. 

Well, if the cops are treating the whites like this, Does that mean:
1. Everything is just fine?
2. There’s no hope for anyone when dealing with the cops?

This would have never happened if we defunded the police and forced them to drive Toyota Yaris’s

That doesn’t eliminate the potential bias. We can’t possibly know what the officer thought was happening in that moment. Who knows, maybe he thought that the driver was black because he thought black people are most likely to buy a red For Explorer. Who knows?

Its probably because they don’t want to be in the “fuel” business. Tesla was required to build out the network in order to get EV adoption rolling. Since then it has cost less for other companies to build out. So much less thay Ford with its partnership with Electrify America actually has the largest EV charging

Fuuuuck, you guys are harsh on this side of Gizmodo. #carryon

Lol, Well not any more because you just broadcasted your plans. Textbook premeditation.

Not to be a nit picky bitch, but the flight logs are in the internal memory of the Mavic Air series of drones. And (fairly certain, ill have to double check my MA2) is only retrievable via the linked screen device (either smart controller or smart phone) linked to the drone. Which of course creates another legal

Well, do you suspect a crime was committed or are you being a good Samaritan?

trained to shoot rubber projectiles off the ground so they bounce randomly into crowds for maximum effect.”

And is firing a gunpowder-propelled restraint the best way to handle someone experiencing a mental health crisis?”

Agreed. However counterpoint: There are enough extinct birds for us to not know why they went extinct. Maybe these actually were holdouts of the “scared shitless over everything” breed that have only been alive this long because we wont let natural selection do its job.

Strongly disagree and if you ever find yourself in this situation you could find yourself charged with destruction or some other law. Case law establishes that just because something finds its way to your property, ownership is retained and not transfered to you. There is no moral high ground to snoop on someones

Several reasons i can think of.

Counterpoint: State of licensure is irrelevant. 

Shout out to all the people sympathetic to the scared and terrified pizza shop of the tiny Asian with a camera in Colorado. He really showed her!

Do you think Guy Fieri or Adam Richman would be considered professionals?

I can. 

At this point I am certain this qualifies as toxic fandom. Similiar to how people will not get off of Frank Oceans nuts about producing new music or how The Justice League: Snyder Cut was the result of a toxic bullying campaign. I honestly hope he never releases it, just out of spite.

“Just a Jewish Girl From Jersey, livin in Oakland 🍸🍾🍸”
I swear I’ve seen that on a Tinder profile.