The Ja Rule of Kinja

Comments like these really make me wonder if people have really forgotten that Melania is complicit in all this shit. She is not a victim. She is not a subvergent.

Is it the cameos or the articles about the cameos? I personally like them, but not the “OMG LOOK ITS APPA!”-ness of it all. I’m probably gonna stop watching until the end of the season.

I sincerly apologize if this sounds like a PS fanboy response, but if it helps I assure you my reply is really about the premises presented here.
The two selling points in this article are gamepass and Smart Delivery as reasons that make it a better buy than the PS5.
Counter Point: 1st-Gamepass is $120 a year for just

Im sure he'd appreciate an honorarium for writing most of your post. 

I don’t clueless is even part of the question. She is not a special kind of rich person. She’s already proven to have a clue about the ills of the world so to claim that she is clueless just rings of blind disgust. If anything, she shares the apathetic qualities of her peers.

A bit like this , right?

Bathtub is at 49:51. Worth watching the 30 seconds prior. Y’all welcome.

I’m not sure you are paying attention to what this conversation is about. The controversy surrounding the HeLa cells was never about the content of the cells. It was about Henrietta Lacks & Family never being compensated for the theft of those celss. The controversy here is about wheter or not cells that have been

Probably not because the issue of HeLa cell was always about the cells origins and permission and credit. The conversation was never about the “content” of the cells. The context here is about the content (embryonic).

You really are not. Sure there are something that take months and years to be able to do, but you would still be playing on the same level as about 80% of most players on a day to day bases in a matter of 3 months or so. 

Im not sure how this is supposed to fix TiDi. CcP has known about WWB2 for months and they seem to still not be able tonallocate enough server resources to Delve and Querious. 3 minutes. I guess now I won’t have frustrating experience  of watching my corpse float in space for 3 minutes before it registers to respawn

Exactly. Perfect label out product placement. Couldn’t have staged a better commercial.

S/N how has this not started the #CranberryJuiceChugChallenge yet?

Man am I glad I came to the comments.

Thankfully I have my Nvidia Shields AI upscaling to trick my eyes into 4k belief.

Yes and fuck all the poors who can’t afford to shop anywhere else and live where the closest Target is 2 counties away!

But double fuck those poors that are preordering PS4s from Walmart!


Wait, what? I didn’t know this was a thing. Thanks, mate.

I think the only 2 changes I’ve actually hated are 1. The early days of when the comments sections changed over to Kinja. and 2. The current layout that forces me to click things in order to scroll through the latest posts. I like reading across all categories, I just don’ like having to click between, videos, car

Yes, studies have been done, but what your stale Google search fails to capture is a study with a conclusion. Simply stating or finding that blacks are incarcerated, arrested, etc at a higher rate does not answer the question “why”. The Harvard study explicitly names systemic racism as the why.

No, but shouting into the void with out scientific data has never been helpful.