The Ja Rule of Kinja

Kinda yes, kinda no. There is a fundamental difference between hosting a rally and using an artists music (which is legally fair) and using artists work on an online platform as part of your “original” work. To my knowledge there have not been any 45 online ads or videos that have used unsupportive artist’s copyrights

Why are there so many sympathetic comments for the “helping” cop? Are y’all seeing something that I m not, because I see him and the cop next to him pushing the victim, and a 3rd cop with his hand on baton cop, pre-push and post-push.

the guy you are saying “tried to help” also pushed him down tho.....

except he is one on the officers that shoved the man, o at lest made a thrusting motion toward the man immediately prior to the fall. So, no points for shoving, then “caring”.

LItereally no one involved in that Doc except maybe murdered husbands ex-wife and family, seemed to be “good” people. Including the producers or the series who apparently told the Exotic crew that the filming would be about Carole Baskins hypocrisy and told Baskins that it was about animal abuse and ppl like Exotic.

I personally I would buy a Lenovo or a  Xiaomi Tablet.  Hell, if I MUST spend $350 on a tablet, I'd might even consider an iPad Mini. 

This time I will actually be rude.

Yeah, I have found devices running under 6.0 to be unbearably useable today. I just booted an old HTC phone last night running 5 and am still this close to throwing it against a wall out of spite. I don’t remember the phone being so fickle before, so I suspect it’s long lay over between boots is really the issue.

You also conveniently forgot about Apple intentionally throttling the speed of phones with older batteries. Your ideas of performance are an illusion you are content with within the Apple prison...errr Wall Garden......errrr ecosystem.

“need” is a strong word. Why would anyone need a tablet that costs more than the alternatives that perform the “boring” and “basic” tasks? The stylus is the proverbial lipstick on a pig, especially given the lower resolution of both alternatives mentioned,

i still use my Nexus 7. Your garbage comment does not compute.

Because not everyone can afford an EDM? Using foam for rapid prototyping or for creating casts is pretty useful. And just so we are clear, the tech being displayed here is the math for contorting the wire, not the robot arms. The arms are just the tool they used. I know of no edm that can create complex geometries.

Dr........Knut. -_-

How is he the troll? The family is black. The mob is white. nothing trollish about that. 

Kinda amazing that a huge chunk of Pearlmans career is under heavy prosthetic. I’ve never heard him complain about it. I say that as I remember Alan Cummings  complaints about playing Night Crawler. 

Perhaps. I presumed it was about someone that either knew what they were talking about or otherwise exhibited common sense. Fauci was my guess but it would have made equal sense that they were talking about 45 since that too would get them axed from Fox, and make a lot more sense in this world. 

“We need to know, because I don’t trust anything else that comes out of his mouth now.”

Who is the “he” they are referring to here? 

I’d bet you $1 that
1. The Majority of Americans don’t view Teslas as for the pretentious.
2. More Americans associate Vovlos in general as being affordable & for the upper crusts compared to the “Affordable” Model 3.

additionally, I’m not sure you you read my post if you felt the need to tell me to check surveys on

I want to agree with you because that’s the way it should work but in reality it won’t. Volvo since it’s pivot to luxury brand in the 90s has been a symbol of upper middle class pretentiousness. Saftey for sure, but only if you are willing to pay for it. Only brand loyalists will flock to it, but overtime I don’t