The Ja Rule of Kinja

When did $375,000 become cheap?

burgers on wood planks has to be the worst restaurant trend.

It takes several weeks to get a social security number after birth. It is not listed on the birth certificate. In fact, you need your birth certificate to get a social security number.

But yes, to your point, simply having someones birth certificate is often the only thing one needs, even more so than having someones

Horrible take. I'll I’d dare anyone to ride or drive a “cheap” Lexus LFA (70% carbon fiber )and say it feels cheap or “that hard to make”.

1. The Ford Transit is practically a loot crate on wheels.
2. I was fully expecting the S2000 to be on this list. i thought it was always on this list.

Yeah. Given the photo of the seatbacks from the out side i assumed plenty of leg room.

cross shop a 911? Did you mean Panamera?

Man it sucks that all the whales are gonna die when the seas boil.

Oh, no! I am completely crushed by your pointing out my grammatical errors while you avoid taking ownership in posting a non-nonsensical reply that created this “hill”. The internet sure has made folks bold these days with their slick mouths and all. The only thing you seem to want to take ownership of is your rude

No, but many would argue the Phantom Menace was.
Perhaps you should invest in a communications course for yourself so you can learn how to craft a message without so many mixed analogies your audience has no way of knowing what it is you are trying to communicate, instead of assuming your audience doesn’t have the

If your analogy indicates that Tesla is the herald of broader changes in how we drive then yes I agree.

If your analogy is somehow implying that the Tesla is a fluke then I think the entire auto industry would disagree.

If it had not been for the “revolution” of Tesla, it is very likely even Toyota would still be sitting on the laurels of its 3rd Gen Prius. No one is “following” Tesla off the cliff, and if there is a comparison and “progress” award to be given, it should probably go to Volvo or GM for the Chevy Volt. Which brings up

Personally, I would love if Tesla sold just their skateboard chassis standalone. I would 100% transplant my suv body.

Disclosure: I don’t claim to be a fan boy but I do steer optimistic when it comes to Tesla. Mostly because Musk comes across as more excited about innovation than profit, even if that leaves a level of attention to safety to be desired.

Here’s the thing. People are asking for too fucking much. they want something that

Wait.... This seems like a stretch to shit on Google for. Shouldn’t this be more an admonishment of Ascension since they are the ones that collected the data and shared it with Google. Or are you implying that Google is being evil because they obscured themselves behind a “contractor” in Ascension?

Seems very trendy

Im not prepared to sit through 90 minutes of lobsters saying the N word. 

Looks like the Elder Scrolls glitches have come to life

LOL. I hope that doesn’t make me an accomplice.

This might be the worst nice price; crack pipe advert ever. You are supposed to talk the vehicle up, David.

Counterpoint: Grow a backbone and tell the person to be quick so you can get off the phone.