Everyone writes about her like she’s a kid, but wouldn’t she be about 34 now?
Everyone writes about her like she’s a kid, but wouldn’t she be about 34 now?
oh dear god oh dear god oh my god
I hear you, but I don’t think its enough. I know my cousin & uncle are good to their friends and family; but they need to be good to people outside of their inner circle as well.
I don’t have any friends that voted for Trump, but I do have a strain in my family. I don’t know what to do about them. I’m actually Canadian, btw, but I have an American uncle and cousin who are vocal trump supporters. I don’t know what to do about them. If I shut them out, I lose all opportunity to change their…
I followed it for a maybe a year or so in 2011 or 2012, and then I just stopped reading it cold turkey. And I love women’s blogs. There was just something about it that kind of sucked.
This is my biggest issue too; and while I can see the legitimacy in arguing that democrats haven’t done enough to support it - working class voters voting for the party that unequivocally wants to destroy unions, as a protest, is really quite bizarre and implausible.
Actually, Wisconsin has traditionally been a blue state, and 40% of Milwaukee’s population is black. I think Percy is bringing up the distressing facts that voter suppression tactics were used to help swing the state red.
Trump supports a lot of things, but organized labour is certainly not one them.
How much effort have Trump voters put into trying to understand the perspectives of others?
300k of student loans? How? (Not being judg-ey, just curious because I’m of an older generation and Canadian so education was cheaper)
Yes and I hate when I hear people say “Oh, well I grew up poor and I worked hard and became successful, so why can’t other people do it?”. I feel like if you are going to play the disadvantaged card, you also have to count your privileges too. Like, maybe you grew up poor but you had a loving family and a strong…
In a way, it is about our financial anxiety. The whole book is about a relationship with a billionaire. It mirrors our society’s fixation on extreme wealth.
I would say its not even a recent thing - so many cultures have ancient long standing traditions where the women bring huge bridal dowries into a union. And the women who didn’t have enough ended up single. I have long suspected that the fear and abhorrence about female gold diggers in our culture is not because it is…
That is something I have noticed. For all the mythology in our culture about women being the gold diggers; from personal experience I’ve noticed that men aren’t exactly hanging with any broke chicks either.
No government experience is just ONE of the reasons Trump is not suitable for the highest office, not the reason.
Is it on Stitcher?
Shrink... because of all the different kinds of focus enhancing drugs he’ll be taking over the next few years in order to keep up with the workload.
I dunno. At least the ones who voted for Trump are honestly awful. The ones who just didn’t bother spun all sorts of BS about how they just couldn’t possibly find it in themselves to betray their integrity to vote for Hillary. The non voters are full on hypocrites imo.
I don’t think she’s saying there’s something wrong with it: I’m pretty sure she’s pointing out the hypocrisy of someone who had an abortion, voting for a president who wants to repeal abortion rights.