Taren Griffin

I mean you can pretty much say ‘Donald Trump’ and it’s synonymous with not caring about anyone other than Donald Trump.

Look, “grab em by the pussy” and mocking the disabled is already on tape and they’ve stuck with him. These 👏🏾 Folks👏🏾Do👏🏾Not 👏🏾Give👏🏾A👏🏾Fuck.

I think a lot of it is plain stubbornness. No one likes to admit how badly they fucked up or how mediocre they are when they thought they were special.

Does he buy those little goggles you put over your eyes when swimming before he gets sprayed?

Seeing as how the Seattle Seahawks are the only black people in Seattle, you’d think the paper would be more sensitive to Bennett’s perspective.

Yeah, and being overweight and diabetes are not mutually exclusive. As I’m sure most of us are aware, one can be overweight and be diabetes-free, just like one can be of normal weight and have diabetes.

House Negro-itis.