
Honest question: what exactly do you think you’re contributing with a comment like this?

If only there were several points in the last 49 years where the Dems controlled the WH, Senate and House and could have codified Roe.


I’ve learned English in a very ‘proper” British Academy. They never taught “they” as a singular pronoun. To me it is plural. Since the 18th Century many consider it an error.

There is also the argument to be made that “Latinx” is widely hated by “Latinx” people and is only used by the most annoying political nerds on Latin descent, and white people trying to be woke. It’s like Native American and First Nations. I have never heard an American Indian say those words that wasn’t a political

The other thing worth noting is outside slapping comedians, Will Smith comes off as generally likeable.

I know that, and have exactly zero opinion regarding how Miller wants to be addressed, but you can’t tell me that usage didn’t merit at least one read-read of several passages in this article. My comment wasn’t gratuitous.  Decoupling pronouns from their long-established meaning absolutely jumbles the English langauge.

i think its more that the antecedent becomes confusing when they could refer to either a group of individuals or Miller, based on the sentence surrounding the pronoun. Just takes an extra few seconds to parse the correct meaning based on context but its not hard to imagine situations where it is genuinely ambiguous,

Smith got up on stage and smacked a guy in front of a live TV audience of literally dozens of people - then said the thing Americans fear the most on TV, the “f bomb” (dun dun DUUUUUUUN).

He’s obviously on... speed.

Well, Will Smith is better than Ezra. 

Most of the area near the Hilo airport is industrial and Margarita Village (not a karaoke bar... though they do have karaoke Sundays) is a pretty typical bar in the area. The big island isn’t super touristy like Waikiki.

Drugs, mental illness, or more likely - a combo of both. 

Why is everyone acting like this is some huge mystery when he’s obviously on meth?

Ezra Miller has come out as an asshole.

When you snort all your meals and incidentals the studio gave you and have to stay at a hostel.

Honestly begging the question how Miller got to be a potential cornerstone player in Warner’s stable.

why Will Smith’s career is destroyed but not Ezra