Veronica Watson

I voted for Ivanka’s dog but I’m pretty sure it was a knee jerk reaction just from seeing the word “Trump” on the screen. #triggered

My favorite annual hot take:

This sounds like a very reasonable and diffusive method. Breaking their potential hold on you is important. Don’t let the other person drive the project narrative.

My initial thought was switchblade/dark hallway but your technique is easier on the carpets.

Why not just streamline it all the way so that they offer nothing at all?

Breaking: Chuck E Cheese accused of recycling its animatronics.

Tom died in a car accident and wouldn’t you know, Kate received a heart transplant. The heart was Tom’s. Last Christmas, he gave her his heart.

People tend to be much better about self-reporting when parts of them fall off, though.


Everyone I’ve ever spoken to about Fantastic Beasts was amazingly disappointed that Colin Farrell turned into Johnny Depp. No one likes Johnny Depp in the role, especially since we’re supposed to believe Jude Law’s character has a thing for Johnny Depp’s character.

So I actually really like Shane and I think he means well but I’m not a huge fan of Jeffree. I was so grossed out how he jumped on attacking James Charles and his little brother and it seemed really opportunistic and cruel. He threw stones and then put his hands behind his back and said it took him “to a dark place.”

“please buy our stuff, we're not emotionally or intellectually equipped to have real jobs"

I love how some teachers get so drunk on the power they have over their students, that they think rules don’t apply to them.  

I get that ... but this next election is not going to be a refined parlor debate, it will be a knock-out, drag your opponent through the muck Brazilian favela street fight.

Why does the animation look worse than it did 20 years ago. 

Biden’s time to run was 2016 when EVERY democrat wanted him to.  The only reason we had Bernie v Hillary is because Joe decided to take some time off.  He does not get to come back to the table and expect a seat when he is directly responsible for putting us in this position to begin with.

She looks completely and totally different. Without those comparison photos, there is no way anyone would recognize her. 

She doesn’t look like herself.

Yup. The biggest lie I’ve seen on the interweb is, “Got it. We’ll tune your recommendations.”