Veronica Watson

YouTube is just television with no barrier to entry. That’s not to say it isn’t mostly crap; but, well, so’s broadcast tv :P

I dunno. I personally thought the music video was intentionally being a swipe at not only Kanye, but the tendency for successful black people to ignore, deny, or outright blame violence perpetuated against black people on black people. They just keep shucking and jiving along with a smile on their face.

BTW, all of the African influence - which starts from the literal beginning of the song - was simply amazing. I’m glad we’re starting to reclaim that part of the hypen. This is America, too.

To me, this story, and the way it lays out the female experience of being considered undateable in our culture, points up something invaluable: That the feelings of rejection, anger, despair, even rage, are really similar between men and women. What’s different, of course, is how the protagonists choose to deal with

A nice idea, but Trump can’t read.

What I am trying to argue is that you can play with the theatrics of binary gender vis a vis the new horizon of the Spectrum. The challenges are super thirsty for this. There is tons of binary Hollywood and Theatre camp to fuck with. Drag Race is the place to do it. It can do it tongue and cheek subversively while it

Your reading comprehension is abysmal. Which part of ‘oil refinery’ didn’t you get? Oh, but you so proud of coming up with such a hard dinger, weren’t ya?

Yeah, I’m so used to being disappointed, it’s a weird feeling when it goes the other way.

I’ve seen her do this bit in person and it’s amazing. She points to the ladies in the audience and is like “we’ve all been graped, right ladies?” and you just hear every woman in the room like “yyyyyyup.” And then she let’s it sit for a second and says something to the dudes. I don’t remember what exactly she said,

Sigh. Ok. Untreated pain, including pain that responds poorly to medication is an epidemic in the US and other countries. Opiates are an epidemic. We (chiros) compete with opiates. While not everyone on opiates is an addict, there’s a much bigger risk that they’ll develop an issue then there is that they’ll develop

Honestly; there is no comparison.

now, just for comparison:

You know what would be really cool? If Spotify could fix its terrible shuffle mode to actually shuffle songs. Also, getting rid of the arbitrary song limits as well as making the download for offline usage not be so glitchy that albums continually get “undownloaded” unless I put them in a playlist.

If you get pissed off by a comic strip, make a Family Circus dotted line path into traffic.

To brie, or not to brie, what was the question?

So, what gives? What makes these women let this man push his soft underbelly against their pelvises as he grunts and snorts?

you must be a real hoot at parties.