Let’s be honest. Celebrity Brain Crash was beginning to turn into this.
Let’s be honest. Celebrity Brain Crash was beginning to turn into this.
One of my 2 complaints about hamsters is that I can’t float them hedgehog style. The other is that I cannot get them to appreciate baseball. Not even in the postseason.
Claire, you have once again done us all proud with the rightness of your thinking. The candy apple’s sole use is providing a frame of reference for sports car colors.
Hearing someone say gesundheit makes me cringe.
Gladly. Especially as someone with horrendous allergies (of which meds have little effect on) who sneezes CONSTANTLY...Please stop. I’ve had enough. I absolve you of having to say it. I’m tired of hearing it.
an island we took to piss off the Spanish
It’s definitely going to be closer to the top of the food chain.
I heat my oven to 550F Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to make pizza nearly every week, regardless of season. IDGAF.
Things like this make me feel incredibly old. It doesn’t even cross my mind to wonder about who’s drinking or who’s not — I invite friends I like (and who I think would like each other), we have alcoholic and non-alcoholic offerings at hand, and it doesn’t cross anyone mind to wonder “is that a rum & coke or just a…
I’ve been teetotal all my life, and it’s been a frequent and horrible experience that people deliberately leave me out because they automatically either assume I won’t be fun, or I won’t have fun, where people will be drinking.
I once had a girl walk out on me on a date when she found out I don’t drink; bullet dodged,…
Goodbye to an afternoon?
You mean goodbye to many extensive afternoons.
Rabbit holes every one of those genres.
Any furniture store.
I was thinking about his civil rights activism. To me, it seems that it all worked to serve men. He fought for sexual freedom (for men to freely enjoy women), he fought for women to get the pill (so that pregnancies wouldn’t hinder men’s sexual activities with women and men wouldn’t have to worry about being…
Well, the placebo effect wouldn’t work if they said their medicine didn’t work.
These are all euphemisms for sex too, right?
I’m glad your friends are not my friends. They sounds jaded and lame.
Of course it’s not bad! They brought back the original director, writers, makeup and wardrobe people. Last night’s episode was fun and pretty tight. This doesn’t seem like a reboot or reintroduction after 11 years. I’m excited for the season.
It isn’t a short revival though. It got renewed for season 2. Also only one ep has aired. Why spoil the two that have not.
Halfway through the first episode of the much ballyhooed Will and Grace reboot it occurred to me that all the…