Yeah, I can play the guitar. And then Strong Mad comes in on the bass like, DOW DOW DOW DOW DOW DOWWW DOW DOW DOW DOW DOW”, and The Cheat comes in like “And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIGHT”!
Yeah, I can play the guitar. And then Strong Mad comes in on the bass like, DOW DOW DOW DOW DOW DOWWW DOW DOW DOW DOW DOW”, and The Cheat comes in like “And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIGHT”!
“Kill him, but mustn’t kiss him.”
Of course it was. Aside from the pastie, how about the tear-away bodice? They were trying to be provocative. Neither of them would’ve done anything like that by accident, nor would they have done it without the other’s complicity. They simply misjudged the blowback (which, itself, was ridiculous).
What about that time they put it behind a paywall, preventing their largest target audience from watching it while the rest of the world can?
What’s wrong with police procedurals that contain “inhumanly” powerful characters in street clothes?
McFarlane’s big dumb face certainly doesn’t help.
This is no joke. I got up today, got fully ready, looked outside, took my pants off, and got back into bed. Working from home today, thanks.
Trump struggles with basic humanity.
Nobody is crying any tears for this poor, beleaguered white girl who was handed a music career based on her whiteness, while a few people tried to steer her away from the cultural appropriation she so needed to commit. Fuck her.
President Obama was the first politician my mom loved since JFK. It was really rough for her that he was leaving and made worse by the fact that Trump is the dirt fucking worst.
I fucking miss you, Obama.
This is what blows my fucking mind: we’re being held hostage by the GOP base. Democrats don’t want DACA ended, establishment Republicans don’t want it ended. It’s literally just the Trump wing of the GOP. It’s infuriating that the Democrats aren’t better at saying, “we’re in the mess we’re in because of the GOP. Stop…
Trumpolini has destroyed any slim hope of his ever being presidential against all tradition and respect for his office. He is an existential threat to this nation and the world. All former Presidents need to break with their tradition and come out forcefully against this lunatic and his terrible policies. Thanks…
Added to this: the trademarking of ordinary sentences? Is this the apex of greed? It puts her in the same class as Trump.
Fresh wine is also called ‘grape juice.’
The air is crisp and cool, the sky streaked with low, scuttling, ragged clouds, heading out of town in a hurry, like…
From Kellyanne Conway and Tomi Lahren to the whole “53 percent of y’all voted for Darth Cheeto” thing, this has not…
Buy a Pixel phone. Problem solved.