I nominate these three.
No love for the Horta?? She was ready to die to defend her eggs! She's the toughest shuffling pizza in space!
Jessica, Paul's mother in DUNE, comes immediately to mind. Hard to top a Bene Gesserit who grooms her son to be the God Emperor of the Universe. (Okay, that's a gross oversimplification of the plot, but still . . . .)
Yeah, I was all: "Look, I could just GO AND READ PRIDE AND PREJUDICE so why did you just copy and paste?"
OMG are people seriously trying to convince me now that old men chasing young tail and disparaging women their own age is NOT a thing!?
The Blair Witch Project
I think what Charlie is really saying is:
If that's all you wanted to see, don't worry. This was such a memorable ice bucket challenge that some idiot somewhere will try to replicate it.
You realize at this point that the Venn diagram of "people online" and "people in real life" are pretty much the same circle, right?
Oh yeah, I remember when I lived in France I was mildly upset I didn't get to have all my travels stamped throughout the borders on my passport, I brought it along in case but it was never needed, especially on train travel. Once in a while border patrol officers came on board to just look at passports, but it was…
I just rescued my own little kitty! We found him on the highway with his brothers. The others were already rescued, but I think I'm gonna keep this little man. His name is Humphrey Bogart, "Bogie" for short. ^_^
Isaac. A psychopath religious zealot with the ignorance of youth. Fabulous combination.
It's addicting. Takes a minute to figure out if what you just did sucked a lot or was freaking awesome. Repelling while rock climbing is my favorite because you have to walk over the edge backwards and you body keeps saying "No, dumb ass, what are you doing??"
any future offspring may well get my last name to prove I can.
"When will then be now" proves that "Who's on first?" will always be funny.
Sounds like a case of being obese saving your life. It's hard to dump on the military, because we all know people in it, and personally, I've got about 1/5 the guts some of the people in the military have, but who wants to sign up for a pittance of pay to be cannon fodder for the next Republican war that is waged so…
First time it happened to me, i was around 10-11 and i completely wasted it.
In the dream, i was just standing in the middle of my road, when suddenly it dawned on me that (what seemed to me) 5 minutes ago it was night and i went to bed. Shocked by noticing i was inside a dream, my first thought was that inside my…