
When they showed the first episode for the 40th anniversary last year, it was not very funny. It was interesting watching something that was probably edgy and funny when it came out, but it did not hold up at all.

Kevin Smith movies don't hold up once you pass your teenage/college years.

It's a good thing there are men like you to tell her what she needs.

Critical mass = when NBC would have been financially punished by boycotts for working with Cosby.

Did a walker get Abraham's hand? That might explain both why it wasn't healing and his reckless urgency to get to DC.

How often do your parents/children/spouse/friends from outside work hang out at your work?

@avclub-77da6346955af7cc9c69c1003a412e8a:disqus people who say 'shite' are douches who don't realize they are douches. 

This came off as a commercial for a bunch of corporations — I thought they were a punk band?

This came off as a commercial for a bunch of corporations — I thought they were a punk band?