
That is an interesting and worrisome insight. When girls still reject these Chad 2.0's because no amount of surgery can fix their inner d-baggery, their rage will be inflicted outward, not in.

If a popular movie or television show includes anything related to diversity or inclusion, they will seize on it.

I’m about ready to get a VPN and pirate everything all the time.

DJ’ing in 90s college radio and doing mostly techno or type shows, I would get requests for Moby all the time, because it was really the only “electronicact the frat boys and sorority girls knew.

We’re glad you’ve duped a few hundred twitter bots, because if you haven’t seen what’s coming, you’tr kind of a moron. Danerys’ complete inflexibility and belief in her own infallibility is textbook tyrant trope.

I was like “oh look Dany finally learned about, like attack angles and vectors. So that’s cool.”

What was there to really say that wasn’t shown? Cersei’s belief in her own infallibility was absolute, she sees the dragon ripping through everything and believes in the core of her Lannister blood that she’s still on top of things. Each piece of hard evidence to the contrary (“Iron Fleet?” *sunk* “Scorpions?”

Ugh. No, please no. Monarchies in fantasy are ok, they can and do function well with competent rulers. We don’t need to incorporate modern elements into the storytelling to make some hamfisted “‘MURICA FUCK YEA!” statement.

I wouldn’t be annoyed if she stopped being a completely numb killing machine.

A final prediction: I will be wrong about all of this.

Are you inbred?

Hey, look; Whataboutism.

I think we’re headed to a “no one is King.Queen” ending. Danerys will be dispatched somehow, Jon will be all “we Targaryens are nutters, so y’all Seven Kingdoms can rule yourselves now”, and he swears to bear no heirs, this ending the line.

If GOT doesn’t find a way to comment on monarchy and end with an empty throne, then it will have proven it is no better than the traditional tropey fantasy stories it has supposedly been trying to elevate.

But the thing is, DoorDash’s threshold for hiring is a) have a phone, b) have a heartbeat, that’s pretty much it. No vetting, no references, no background checks. Any moron with any level of seedy history can be given your phone # and address anytime you order food.

i thought this episode served to highlight how much shit people get into when they think they know everything and don’t listen to anyone else.

Wow, it took 5 whole hours for the “Boys Being Boys” brigade to get rolling. Don’t y’all have round-the-clock Twitter surveillance, to catch every ‘bro has he falls from grace?

Is it just me, or did the lead-up to the actual declaration to run feel kind of patronizing? Everyone knew Biden was going to, but he delayed and stretched it out for months, like he was letting the new kids announce and run and tucker themselves out.

I imagine that there’s few if any Trumpers on the team, but it is hard for us sitting out here to be in their shoes. There’s a veritable army of white supremacists sitting on Twitter, ready to summon their bot army to tweet and like and re-tweet about anything they perceive as an offence to their Dear Orange Leader.

I used to pay $160 for cable+internet. Now

$65 for internet
$5 CBS All-Access
$11 Spotify+Hulu
$13 Netflix
$0 Youtube tv (friend’s family plan)