I watched AGT last night, I have no idea how the spitting-water-into-each-others’-mouths made it though. It was dumb beyond belief.
I watched AGT last night, I have no idea how the spitting-water-into-each-others’-mouths made it though. It was dumb beyond belief.
During that Euro trip last year, the man had to take a golf cart to travel 700 feet. I find it hard to believe his Big Mac ass could even manage to lift an angry finger anymore.
It’s like that everywhere. Visiting the DemocraticUnderground.com in ~2010, we were bombarded with “learn the shocking truth about Obamacare!” ads all the time.
Pretty normal thing in college...not so much to watch, but at least to be present, trying to sleep while your roommate and their s.o. are going at it.
I have little sympathy for alt-right vermin.
Awww, bro-flake.
Tom Hanks is my line in the sand, if he fails I’m just noping right put of civilization.
It’ll be ok there, bro-flake.
You’re like my co-worker who bemoans the female Starbuck, the female 13th Doctor, and so on. I didn’t have the hear to tell him today about Higgins in the Magnum P.I. reboot. The fragility of the white male ego has to be massaged just so, y’know.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I didn’t see her comment as attacking the multiracial casting aspect at all, but rather the “the new show is gonna be super-feminist”. It implies that the original wasn’t, and Combs pretty strongly feels that it was.
This is how vilified people try to crawl back into everyone’s good graces, by re-positioning themselves in the middle and “not taking sides”.
Thanks for giving us the incel perspective, bro.
This one is the worst.
Cutting them out may be painful now but it feels better in the long run. Had a friend since college, longtime feminist, went completely Catholic crazy when she married one. I could handle that, but not the “we must respect Trump because he’s our president and the people voted” and the fawning when that Cheeto went to…
What the fuck is a “pro death comment” ?
Entitlement and privilege. These guys are tough and macho when they’re yelling at you on the sidewalk, or in an eatery, or in a Trump rally.
It sounds like a politician’s non-response response when they don’t want to offend either side.
I’ve known of it for years, but only in the “ha ha, you’re citing Newsmax as your source? Loser” website context , when arguing with wingnuts years ago. Had no idea it had a tv outlet as well. How lovely.
Because for the most part,rock music made within the last 20 years is forgettable, thoraways shit. 90s alt rock is the last time that memorable hooks were really written, that’s gonig to be the breakpoint for the next few generations when they get into “the oldies”.
Oh, stuff some raisin potato salad in your mouth and shut he fuck up.