
Ha ha, yes, that is a common one. When you counter with the Republican party gravitating towards big business and industry while the Democratic interests shifted from agrarian to urban and thus into progressivism and labor, you can literally see the righties’ eyes glaze over.

I hear this from alt-right types all the time, they value cleverness over substance. Their belabored “gotcha” ripostes, usually couched in ridicule and sarcasm, is how they (in their mind) “win” the debate.

Weird, was just thinking about that the other day, about a bad relationship in the mid 90s I got out of by changing our landline # and just not calling em back. Pre ghosting-is-a-thing ghosting.

I can’t stand the “not all men” excuses. Yes, in the entire history of the world there has surely been instances where men have been raped by women or a woman has lied about a rape. But they are such minorities as to be statistically irrelevant.

No, the FCC does not maintain a “fuck” counter, no idea where or how you would get that idea. The FCC regulations against obscenity apply to broadcast and cable, not profanity. SyFy, TX, MTV, etc...self-regulate profanity so as to not psis off their advertisers.

I want an Amos flashback episode.

Yes, there is a Sammi doll in the house this season that is the object of many lame jokes and such. To her credit, Deena has been sticking up for the real Sammi and yelling at the others whenever the jokes start up.

Yea, KiA was most certainly a product of Gamergate manbabies who track every utterance of feminism on the internet., either by women or those who support them, much like these S. Korean bros are doing. 

I was once one of their favorite targets

Aww, the widdle tiki-torchbearer is having a sad.

Oh, piss off. The caricature of liberals as whiny PC snowflakes applies to the moonbat Jill Stein wing, they aren’t representative of the whole of liberalism.

An NRA fanboy and a racist. Your sister-mother must be proud.

You’re an inbred moron to think that he is.

Why is vermin like you even posting in Jezebel? Is Stormfront down again?

the deep state

That was all on “Little Marco”. I still can’t believe that back and forth over size happened during an actual GOP debate and not an SNL skit.

Yea I’m not really digging that divergence, particularly Amos’ critiquing Naomi. Book Amos has a defective moral compass, he uses Naomi and eventually Holden as well as “if I do shit like they would, that might be the right choice” lights to navigate by.

The first 3 were pretty good, Coven is by far my favorite. I think it has slid a bit since Jessica Lange stepped out.

I watched it, but mostly in a rubbernecking-at-the-accident kind of way. The bulk of it was not enjoyable, only the dudebros-get-what’s-coming-to-them at the end was.

The salty tears of white privilege.

Yea, go piss up a rope with that bullshit.