
I just have reservations about that “style and form” applied to Arthurian legend. It’d be like Tarantino remaking a David Lynch film. 


This story sounds a bit implausible.

I always loved the Sitch. How cool does one have to be to have a nickname of your nickname?

That’s nice.

Looks like Putin’s not the only one sporting a cock holster these days...

Do you inbreeders realize that you’re bellyaching about a 2+ year-old comment? The butthurt here is epic. :)

Some PR whiz walked a fine line between offensively tacky and amusing kitch. Well done, this looks hilarious.

I’ve been told that this whole thing was an April Fools joke.

I was excited because, finally, this was the first time in awhile that my 1st choice in the primaries made it to the general election (Clinton 2008, Dean 2004).

A jury convicted Fairooz, Barry and Bianchi on Wednesday after a two-day trial.

Le Pen’s antisemitism should sink her. Should.

“I du whut I wanna du!”, the plaintive cry of every Cheetos-fingered dudebro.

We started the 2nd season and kept up until Simon left. After that we’d still tune in to intro stages but interest would wane once they got to the top 24 or whatever. They were all the same cookie-cutter poptarts.

I followed this shitweasel on Periscope for a short bit, keeping tabs on the enemy and all that. His voice was just as nauseating as described, and the commenter section exactly as bad as you imagine it would be.

Where does one go when they are too conservative for Fox News? It’s like being refused seating at a Denny’s due to a lack of proper attire.

I’m the one who’s lashed out at for being a “racist” or “bigot,” some even go as far as saying “bane of society” or “fascist Nazi.”

At this point, he’s like a D-list knockoff of a Bret Easton Ellis character.

I’d love to start watching this, but I’m so disgusted with the real-life dystopian fuckwittery we’re already being subjected to in the U.S.. I think I’d just be rooting for them to get to the “kick everyone’s ass and overthrow the system” part. (I’ve never read the book and only vaguely recall the details of the 90s

Is that a CNN-era pic of ol’ Tucker? I think he’s looking a bit puffier and jowlier these days.