
Oh absolutely, Burton’s had a long time to crawl up his own ass and make a nice dimly-lit oddly-angled home for misfits in there. But this is clearly a Nolan Movie in ways that Dunkirk and Interstellar seemed to be at least somewhat attempting to avoid, and the reception has been chillier than anything he’s made

The thing with Nolan is he wants to make standard genre films with a fun conceptual twist, but he often underestimates how much more fun the conceptual twist is than the genre film he’s trying to spice up. It took me a while to come to terms with the fact that Inception isn’t a movie about dream shenanigans, it’s a

The Nolan bashing started with Dark Knight Rises and continued with Interstellar because he lost some important collaborators who helped make his earlier stuff work, he got big enough that people stopped telling him “no,” and he already got to use a lot of his dream project ideas earlier in his career.

And as

Eraserhead is about the terror of being a new father, Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive are about murderers trying to rationalize their actions to themselves before becoming overwhelmed with guilt, Inland Empire is... who the fuck knows, and the rest (Elephant Man, Dune, Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, Wild at Heart, The

I hope everyone in the movie uses Bane voice when they’re wearing the masks.

erh I think Ellen was pretty unprofessional here, the young lady seemed nervous and the work she is doing in that moment is incredibly difficult. Ellen could have handled that moment with a little more grace and patience. It read to me that Ellen was uncomfortable that she could not control the pace of the interview

As an amateur Nolanologist, I’ve come to the conclusion he gets his plot motives from a small set of anxieties. Underneath the pseudo-cerebral exterior, he’s an innocently personal filmmaker who loves James Bond movies and airplanes. He is, in modern parlance, a classic dad and total wife guy. Also note that while

Lynch is 100% about -feeling- more than -understanding-. There’s no way to say that without being pretentious, but he’s had such a long career that it’s pretty much set in stone at this point that that’s just who he is.

So it's half Source Code, half Deja Vu. 

I would probably go off the rails and confirm that I was pregnant with a demon spawn, throw myself a baby shower and demand she produce gifts, and then several months later produce one of those demon baby dolls and demand she hold it like a real baby.

I thought she looked like a glamourous weather balloon.

I have three, in increasing order:

3) Here In My Room, Incubus: Already a song explicitly about Brandon Boyd boning, still comes to a grinding halt with the line, “Pink tractor beam into your incision”. It seemed like it was the exact moment where he was like, fuck it, I can and will sing anything.

2) My Way, Limp

Re: The Killers ‘All These Things That I Have Done’

Now playing

In any case, you can’t call the guitar solo from “What I Got” the saddest sound ever made by a guitar when this video exists:

I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the “not going to vote” angle.

Ah, you can be a dad when you’re young, but can you be a garage dad? You need to be at least old enough to have a fridge full of beer in your garage.

There’s nothing wrong with the occasional sanity check.

That’s nice. His supporters don’t care.

Dale made his name as a Toronto Star investigative reporter exposing the story of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack with gang members on video.