David Lynch is using his time in quarantine to get closer to fans, with his David Lynch Theater YouTube channel…
David Lynch is using his time in quarantine to get closer to fans, with his David Lynch Theater YouTube channel…
As far as making jokes about Trump being tough is concerned, I will once again say that John Mulaney nailed it with “Horse Loose in a Hospital”. It avoids all the usual tiny-hand, orange-skin jokes and zeroes in on the pure absurdity not just of, as he puts it, “this guy being president”, but on everyone else trying…
Being able to watch those episodes with the benefit of hindsight seems more like a step in the right direction to me than removing them.
I am fed up with the poor white people that Michael Moore and Bernie Sanders relentlessly chased. To see John Stewart also drink this Kool-Aid is maddening. They coddle these willfully ignorant people instead of calling them out for always voting against their own interests.
As reported by Vulture, NBCUniversal is pulling—or has already pulled—four episodes of 30 Rock that feature…
not even Jack’s daughter and the conscience of the movie, Diana (Mackenzie Davis), to whom Zimmer takes a potentially redemptive romantic interest
The AV Club:
To quote Roger Meyers Jr., “You kids don’t know what you want. That’s why you’re still kids, because you’re stupid.”
“but if you are a 17-year-old woman who clearly must know it is both gross and illegal for then-37-year-old adults to be propositioning you...”
People can have consensual sex with whom ever they wish, and yes that’s been a feminist tenet for years. That is not permission to be raped, as you imply, because rape is not consensual. Hope that clears it up for you.
Are there allegations against him from anyone else other than Elisabeth Moss? I truly like her as an actor, I do no like that she’s a Scientologist and I have a hard time trusting any Scientologists about anything. Especially after a couple splits up and one is not part of the church.
“Girls should be able to be a fan of a comedian they admire without being a sexual target. It’s the adult’s responsibility to be an adult.”
Wonderfully put.
I’ve seen countless discussions over the past week about D’Elia, Warren Ellis, and Cameron Stewart and nobody has been able to say it so aptly or succinctly.
“Netflix: Your home for quantity programming.”
It’s a total CYA apology.
Look, when you’re making a French Revolution comparison and you cast yourself as the aristocracy you’ve made some poor decisions with your life.
Various John Oliver nicknames for Tucker:
There are emails posted that are a yikes and a half. Admittedly, I also originally didn’t think too much of this, that at worst it just makes him an asshole trying to get laid. Because, like you said—nothing he’s doing is technically illegal.
But I do think it does miss the point of how incredibly skeevy Ellis was…
I hate to tell them, but...that is just how that neighborhood use to be before all the yuppies and tech bros moved in.
On second thought, let’s not turn on Fox News. ‘Tis a silly place.
He still does freelance reviews for a quart of toilet wine and stale crusts of bread.