
Any other troopers who were present and failed to stop Davis from assaulting and kidnapping his ex should be brought up on charges as well. 

Don’t you? (Don’t you?)

You?! I bet you thought that song was about you.

Best I was able to do was when I preened too much that time I dated Carly Simon.

God. Lucky bastard. How cool would it be to know if you play your cards right you’ll have a Grammy award winning best selling album written about you? Best I was able to do was when I preened too much that time I dated Carly Simon.

If her claims of being an Eagles fan are true, she's gotta talk to mama Kelci about getting one of her half Eagles half Chiefs jersey 

I can’t wait for her to write a song about this

I have no idea who’s the asshole here (possibly both, or possibly neither), but I give Turner a bit more credit. She held her tongue for a couple weeks while Jonas went waged his “father of the year/smear” campaign. So I’m slightly more inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt.... for now. 

I saw a Graham Norton episode with Swift and Turner. It seemed that they each found the other good company. It is possible to be friends without having ulterior motives.

Women do not think about men all the time and spend all of our time plotting revenge. 


I’ll have to read the New Yorker piece first, but did everyone really think each joke a comedian tells is akin to testimony in a court of law?

Taylor Swift, Greta Gerwig, Zoë Kravitz, and Laura Dern’s girls’ night out – what in the living hell was discussed during that particular summit? The mind boggles.

I’m way outside the demo and have been a fan since I first thought “wait, who’s using Elvis Costello?” Grabbed SOUR and was impressed with the whole damn thing. The new one already kicks ass with the two lead-off singles.  Homegirl is gonna wrack up a few Axe Body Spray Svengali’s thanks to the nature of the business

I honestly used to like Russell. I found him to have a quick wit.

I feel like a puppy-kicker for finding JVN grating. I appreciate when he calms down and gets real—he usually has lovely and even sometimes profound things to say. But the upbeat high school cheerleader schtick is over the top, and I feel like you can see annoyance behind the plastered smiles of his coworkers when he’s

“Incredible” is...an opinion, I guess. I’m just so tired of this see-through dress over lingerie trend that is ubiquitous lately. It’s long outlived any sex appeal or shock value it had when Rihanna did it back in 2014(!) and now just looks tacky, fussy and played out. Can’t wait for celebs to jump on a different

Yeah, I was like “either that’s a typo or I do not understand where this article is going.”

It’s also important to note that Jim Bob was shitty at negotiations.

The Packers are looking like geniuses right now. Bold prediction: Aaron Rodgers never plays another snap in the NFL. 

A Jet going down on 9/11 is a little too on the nose, universe.