Has there ever been a movie made about a fake celebrity PR couple, where one of the people falls in love but the other one is reluctant to because it’s just for show? Surely this has been made before right?
Has there ever been a movie made about a fake celebrity PR couple, where one of the people falls in love but the other one is reluctant to because it’s just for show? Surely this has been made before right?
I’m an elder millennial who forgot Vanilla Sky existed until this article.
Is "the pendulum finding the middle" a good analogy for sexual assault? Don't you want the pendulum jammed all the way to one side, defying physics?
Add musicians and athletes to the list, please.
Thank you. No idea why anyone gives a shit what any of these people think on anything beyond their art. Scientists for science, actors for acting. Easy peasy.
Can we please stop asking celebrities to have opinions beyond their latest role? They’re as dumb and uneducated as the general public, just prettier, but you don’t see cameras asking every average Becky on the street what she thinks of vaccine mandates - for good reason.
No. Life does not have to be weird. Let yourself imagine having nice things.
She eats clay because she thinks it’s a good idea and also thought it was a good idea to say that she eats clay out loud to other human beings.
I am a voracious reader and I love a color-coded bookshelf. I’m a visual person and I remember the covers of books even faster than an author’s name. They’re much easier to find when they’re ordered by color. People who look down on this method are not only snobs, but they’re lazy snobs, not taking a moment to reflect…
If you are declining the Covid vaccine because you think it will make you sterile, you shouldn’t be reproducing.
If he can eat no fat and marries a girl who can eat nothing lean, then between them they’ll lick a platter clean.
Well who hasn’t, at some point in their life, fallen in love with Stockard Channing!
I’ve never understood super smooth creamy potatoes. Then again I’m from the south. I throw the peels in there and mash till it “looks right”. Nothing wrong with lumpy.
Say you don’t know a thing about singing and vocal training without saying you don’t know a thing about singing and vocal training.
A peel in the garbage disposal (or in the garbage) is a peel wasted. I’ll just leave ‘em in my mash. It may not look as pretty, but the taste and texture is much more, uh, ap-peel-ing that way.
I also feel like there needs to be more broad acknowledgement in the broader media conversation of the absolute fact that people will go to prison on murder charges for having miscarriages if abortion is banned, and the absolutely insane self-censorship you would have to do to try to protect yourself from having that…
If it’s not Lizzo, then I don’t care who is hangin’ with Chris Evans.
Nope. I voted for her three times. All my friends and I who worked for her are outraged at her betrayal. She is deeply unpopular in AZ.