That wax figure of Meghan is a really good likeness!!
That wax figure of Meghan is a really good likeness!!
Especially since a lot of the people making a big deal about Kemper have already given a pass to a white man who dressed a Nazi at 19.
Haven’t Gwen and Blake been engaged for, like, years? And they still haven’t pulled the trigger? The longer it goes one, the more it looks like a publicity stunt for The Voice.
So what did she actually do that was racist?
Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s…
There was a pair of J Crew platform flip flops that EVERYONE had to have circa the summer of 2000. I bought two pairs but could never get comfortable to go very far in them. Have not thought about those in almost 20 years until this article. I have no idea if they were hot everywhere or just the Seattle burbs, but I…
I’d attend that gender reveal party.
I bet the sister is passed they only gave her $2000.
Yeah, but still. Pre-teen girls often have proportionally long legs because legs are the first thing to grow when they hit puberty. You were perfectly normal.
P!nk could have helped a lot of people by not pretending to be Black but that's a whole other kettle of crazy.
“P!nk thinks she could’ve done more to help Britney Spears”
Yes, perhaps she could have started by not mocking her and calling her a “stupid girl.”
You probably looked fine. I don’t know why parents tell children things like that. I have short legs and would have given anything for legs that could actually have been lengthened with a bathing suit.
I was kinda surprised that he wasn’t in prison for some reason.
Friends with Benniferits?
I hear Bill Gates is available.
Maybe she will add shine to him again. He obviously needs it.
Also, Jennifer Garner was his level up. He achieved way more commercial and critical success, and even lowered his douche rating while he was with her. He is really a man with tacky addict asshole demons he needs help reigning in.
Not really a good look to attribute a woman’s success to a man.
When I read this news this morning I smiled so big for the first time in a long time that it sounded like my knees were cracking.