Marky Mark’s toilet is definitely going to feel the vibration.
Marky Mark’s toilet is definitely going to feel the vibration.
I'll take things Beyonce never said for 500.
The headline should have said “Bill and Melinda Gates click Start —> Shutdown.”
Y’all are so busy going back and forth on whether Bill Gates is a decent guy or an asshole, and on just how big of a hack Joan is. Meanwhile, you’re missing the most important part of this story: Apparently Bill and Melinda Gates have no prenup. This could get verrrryyyyy interesting.
More like Billie StyEllish.
My instinct is both of these things are true.
I am with Posh on crocks wearing stint.
Ah yes, the always trustworthy “sources”.
Kate didn’t have “morning sickness,” she had hyperemesis gravidarum.
Anyone who has to pose for a photo will look awkward.
Why don’t you two assholes take your fight to the moon. we’ll watch your money.
Yeah, for real. I have an eating disorder and it’s... up and down... but I lost a ton of weight, so I a) had no one believing I had an eating disorder all throughout and b) was ‘doing it all right’ so I’d be in absolute hell with my hair falling out and an odd habit of fainting out of nowhere and still getting…
FFS, have you not learned that you need to do your captions in order so we know who these people are? Left to Right people, left to right.
Hearing that the Presidential Fitness Test is really just thinly veiled military prep because Eisenhower felt insecure about our kids compared to Europe’s, telling somehow.
Came in the comments to see if anyone mentioned this. Thank you, I will give it a listen tomorrow.
Go to the grocery outlet, look at what things cost
Let us don caftans and drink wine.
One of my favorite pre-COVID moments is hosting a Y2K themed NYE party on 12-31-19. Little did we know how much the world would change in 6 short weeks. Everyone showed up in their favorite Y2K-era fashions, and some folks even dug out some old threads of their own. It was really fun because the guest list spanned…