This seems really shitty. Even if Collins actually does have these emails and knows them to be authentic, still... why share that? There’s no value here, there’s not even anything particularly interesting. It’s not even airing dirty laundry, it’s just violating someone’s privacy for the sake of spreading banal…
I’m really trying to figure out how this is a “thing” worthy of a report.
Obviously, it was Kim Cattrall.
I hope that’s a waterbed because Lea Michele seems excessively thirsty.
Owner of three kids here. Hell yes. Even I subsist on (sometimes used) goldfish crackers.
I just want to say, thank you for titles dirt bag as dirt bag again. It’s probably been this way for awhile, but I just noticed today and am forever grateful. I hated missing out on the gossip but was so hesitant to click on a hedi and Spencer post thinking, “maybe it’s a dirt bag?”.
Don’t know who’s lower, the Kardashians for being so clickbaity or me, on planning to watching this next season.
“Marriage is hard,” divorce is harder. Staying single is easy.
Also forgot...
Sued by DOJ for refusing to rent to black people, ultimately settling the case (despite “never settling”), then sued and settles again for failing to live up to original settlement.
Since nothing here inspires me, just gonna say I ordered a lovely grey velvet chaise today, to match my years of grey status.
Per the logic of the original 90210, non-drinkers always do coke.
Well as opposed to “raised left”, she certainly was raised right! Just, not when You mean right as a synonym for correct
Ban all men from having guns.
This is the correct answer:
Does this mean that the best fans in baseball are now the Dodgers?
what an unmusial occurrence...
So true! This calls for my favorite Brad Pitt photo montage.
I thought this was common knowledge. All the house hunting/home renovation shows are “faked” in a similar way. Personally it doesn’t make a difference to me, I watch these shows for the entertainment value of judging other people’s taste (and learning about the real estate market in random foreign cities on HH…