
The elder millennials also don’t know what it is to live in a world without logos blazoned upon every article of clothing. When I was little, it was Guess, Nike, and Calvin Klein. 10-15 years later, it was the brands mentioned above. It definitely wasn’t new to the early aughts.

Waffle soles... or souls?

Just looked at a few pieces from Jeff Koons’ Made in Heaven. Wouldn’t say it’s borderline pornographic... it’s full on pornographic. I’ve now seen more of his ex wife than I’ve seen of myself.

As a not-rich lady, I owned a (small) house. While dating, it was VERY difficult to find a single guy that owned his house. Eventually I realized it wasn’t too much to ask to date a guy that had his shit together at least as much as I did.

Why is Blackburn’s quote in the present tense? That tells me all I need to know.

The picture of McPhee and Foster looks like she’s filtered and he isn’t.  Not meant to age-shame, just an observation.

Agreed. Wicked has a more reddish undertone while this is skewing more purple, a la LPAD. Wearing it as we speak. 

Exactly. See: higher ed. I worked for a smallish university making $12.25/hr while the VP made $270,000/yr.

Please, elaborate.

Hey, Marshall.  If you’re worried about people calling you a selfish lover, don’t be a selfish lover.  That is all.

I guess that’s where his giant wine budget is going...

I’ve noticed on her show that she is clearly uncomfortable (jealous?) when her guest if funnier than her.  She just shuts down.

Fixed it.

As a person from Aaron Schock’s district, just give him a few years.  He’ll screw up eventually.

YES! This is the dirt I want to see! No reality, pseudo-celebrities. I want my dirt about real celebrities!

If you get a chance to see the New York Times’ photo of the club, it is majestic.

Ventured over to People to read about “A baby!” (give me a break, I’m pregnant). Good news for a model that was diagnosed with PCOS to conceive! However, the article mentioned that she and her boyfriend had been together for 10 years.  She’s 24 and he’s 29... Anyone else see the problem there?

Same!  Do/did you have eczema?  It took 20 years, but I found a study that links eczema to under-active sweat glands.  I had it as a kid, but still don’t sweat unless it’s about 95 degrees outside.

I did! Well, I did because my six-year-old wanted to watch it.  It was really good!  I was impressed, anyway.

They’re probably going to blame all his erratic behavior on a stroke or something, akin to getting Reagan cleared of the Iran Contra affair. “He just doesn’t remember saying those things! He’s very sick!” Maybe thoughts and prayers will cure him.