Tara Raboomdiay

If you don't like the Wild Bunch, then you can kiss my sisters black cats ass, to quote Bo.

There’s one of the problems with most fanatical religious people - if something good happens to them, or as a result of their actions, it’s a blessing from God. If something bad happens to them, or as a result of their actions, it’s God “testing” them:

There are a shocking number of religious Americans who believe in literal demon possession. I grew up in an evangelical community and while my parents did not believe in insane things like that, so many of my friends’ parents would just casually suggest exorcism for what were clearly medical conditions. In the high

Most jobs in America don’t require high function, and because of the ubiquity of grocery stores and fast food restaurants, feeding yourself isn’t very difficult, either. There are a TON of physical labor jobs that pay decently because of the history of unions, where all you have to do is follow instruction 75% of the

I would love to see Trump asked, how is it that you were President for four years already and did less than nothing about this already? But he’s protected from those kinds of questions.

As to be expected, speaker after speaker trotted out every excuse imaginable for the recent shooting

It would take them about 1.5 seconds to shoot an unarmed black man in the back. But a kid with a gun? Better hold off for a couple of dozen reinforcements. Filthy cowards.

When Sandy Hook happened I thought we might finally do something meaningful about gun control in this country.

On behalf of all Kinja, let me thank you for not putting this in a slideshow or a video.

Now playing

All hail Buddy Cole- you can be raunchy, controversial, and offensive... just make it funny.

The backlash to the backlash of this has been “Well if you’re SO offended don’t go to comedy shows! The joke wasn’t even that bad!”

Paint a room with bright colors and it’ll be warm until the paint fades.

The first rule of Republican Orgy Club is, you do not talk about Republican Orgy Club.

The GOP: We endorse spreading unfounded rumors about Jewish space lasers setting homes ablaze. But rumors about coke and sex orgies is where we draw the line.

Yeah- I think the big difference is that the people pushing for the lack of gun control and selling the guns are using more white supremacist rhetoric. The face of the NRA used to be a hunter who had multiple guns as part of his hobby. Now it’s “protecting yourself”. The people they celebrate that “protect themselves”

Sending love to the families of these beautiful souls.

These people’s worthwhile and fulfilling lives were cut short because we’re collectively too cowardly to fight the gun lobby and we’re collectively too cheap to pay for mental health care.

In America:

I’m going to add Disney. I do not get the appeal. At. All. If I had kids, I might go once, or if I lived nearby, but I know people who go every year. They spend tons of money to travel there, stay in a hotel, and go to a place with crowds, kids, and lines. That’s my idea of Hell.