bloodbath & beyond


are you three years old
…that's how long ago bush was president, right?

nah, because it's dumb

the tweet specifies it's an mpreg clippy, so it's not a female clippy but a male clippy who is pregnant.
now that's cleared up

I've seen Exit to Eden. I wish it were made up.

Better ketchup? I always (like, since toddlerhood) hated ketchup until I tried fancy hipster ketchup (Sir Kensington's, which isn't hard to find) which is a little spicier, thicker, more complex and less sweet than, say, Heinz.

Liquid Aminos isn't really that similar to soy sauce, much less high-end soy sauce, in my opinion. I used a lot of it in the past when going for vegan "beefy" flavors but in quantity most people find it pretty weird-tasting.

Buy a shaker of MSG (ie, Accent seasoning) and taste a little plain. Umami! Then put it in everything, because it's delicious.

I had to (well, wanted to) correct my fourth-grade English teacher on the pronunciation of "victuals." She was not happy.
Years later, she ended up being the principal of the junior high and at one point led a campaign to get me expelled. I liked to imagine the incidents were related.

not what i've heard from current drivers, though maybe it's just the legacy of that policy still lingering.

uber discourages tipping as a matter of policy.

are these the people where they he one of the older sons slowly destroy the younger ones game system in front of him until he was screaming and crying (or something like that?) I would google but… I don't want to do that

I was going to mention that we definitely saw Rhys's ass. I remember it more clearly than pretty much anything else that happened on that show!

I'm not even going to touch that

That's possible, I guess, but it's hard to separate that part from (very mild spoilers?) a bunch of women turning on each other and generally going off the rails because there's a man around and obviously they all want to fuck him.

I'm not really a cultured dairy person. I can do sour cream or creme fraiche as an ingredient in a sauce or dip, but yogurt/kefir et al hold little appeal. It's okay, I like weird shit like beet kvass and kombucha so I'm pretty full up on intentionally-bacteria-laden foods.

Having read the synopsis and seen the original, I'm not sure how to do this movie without it being completely overwhelmed by deep, strong misogyny. Not that SC's movies are works of politically perfect feminist insight, but it feels like an odd match on a couple levels.

I'm opposed to sour and creamy flavors in the same beverage!

Everyone's moved on to Harry Hole, though Americans will catch on to body waxing soon enough.

I don't do it exactly like they do, I don't think. I just use the cheese sauce technique because I like cheese gloop that uses nice quality cheese (as opposed to Velveeta or whatever.) It also makes a pretty good/bad "alfredo" when you just want to maximize dairy intake.