

Yes, but can it make Gretzky bleed?

I feel so radiant with this new Donald Trump Tanning Formula. I wonder if I look as good as he does...of course I do!

1989. San Mateo, CA. Tommy Brady has the ball inflated perfectly to his specifications.

I think Sanchez got plenty of help from Carroll in college...

You’re working too hard, Jimmy.

Look we get it, ok? Bills fans should not go out in public, let alone get in a ring.

He may be throwing today, but is he crushing the scout team?

He’s clearing not hustling as much as he should be in both of those plays. Come on!

Word to The Mother....

I’m in the greys, so no one will see this, but what would be in each of your respective time capsules?

Sources: Kevin Draper is the BEST Deadspin writer. It’s not even close.

Assist to Ley for that layup.

Kyle: (dials phone)

What’s the issue?

What’s interesting is that during the massive spend that DraftKings did with their ad, the one with the Pats Bro winning the big check, they altered the bro and his buddy’s jersey. They were wearing Brady and Hernandez jerseys. The funny thing is, they didn’t change the jerseys until after the DeflateGate ruling by

You worked hard for that. +1 for the effort.

Are they going to just... bury more tapes?

Prediction: Tomorrow’s WYTS will set a record for most views. Ever.