
Has Ritchie made a good movie since he divorced Madonna?

C'mon Xanderpuss - I'm learning too much for a Saturday!

Wow that is weird about TBS - I would've guessed 6 shows at least. Maybe I'm late to the party but it seems like the channels don't care about actual number of viewers but consistency…? I assume the few Rashida Jones fans will at least watch every single episode several times.

We are truly at scripted oversaturation when Rashida Jones can headline a show that is already planning for its second season before the first has even aired. No offense to Rashida but she wasn't even the 10th best character on P&R. These are strange times indeed.

I hope your married friends are more fulfilled and happy than Faxon and Greer. Furthermore, maybe a comedy shouldn't make me wish the parents had used contraception. That's a bummer.

Roger that. All the characters on Married are kinda sad in one way or another. Greer and Faxon are having NO fun in their roles, or at least I don't see it. Reiser is the best because he is the best sadsack.

Married has a great cast and I can relate to the main characters, but I watch a comedy to consistently laugh. Where are the laughs?