
The song Hot for Teacher is about having a crush on your teacher, not actually fucking your teacher.

She also kicked off her career with some good old fashioned homophobia and has never apologized for it, but would be the first to claim allyship. And not just the dreck that is “I Kissed a Girl,” but also “Ur So Gay.” She’s always been terrible and the idea that Idol is tarnishing her legacy is laughable when she has

I mean—what was the Van Halen song? “Hot for teacher?” That was written about this!

Come on! 16 years old—I would have died for that!”

Said it before, I’ll say it again.  There needs to be a “flagged because you’re stupid” choice.  The trolls can’t even be bothered to summon up any outrage in defence of this one...

Gee, I wonder what he thinks about hot 38 yr. old male on 16 yr. old boy action

Haley calling the existence of trans women in sports “the women’s rights issue of our time”

Any “legacy tarnishing” came about when she agreed to be a judge on a contrived waste of time and brain cells like that show.

I’ve always gotten the “she’s a phony” vibe from her after learning she tried to pursue a career as a contemporary Christian artist (under Katie Hudson) before switching over to her pop persona.

So what I'm reading is that Katy could have disappeared a long time ago if we just booed her in 2008...

“Boo hoo, people are being mean to me after I made a series of controversial decision of my own volition...”

It’s disappointing (not shocking) how many people are trying to explain Glen Kuiper’s “on air mistake”. That wasn’t mumbled. He said that with some volume, properly enunciated. Almost like he’s said it in casual conversation.

“When I pushed back on President Biden, they even called me the N-word.” 

So he’s an Evangelical politician who’s still a “bachelor” at 46 and knows so little about women and their bodies that he’d still never even seen a vagina at 30 and he thinks a pregnancy lasts 52 weeks? Mmmkay. 

It’s not the girl’s fault some dude high off herding ducks decided to play in traffic without paying attention.

This pisses me off because it could literally be me. Several years ago, on the way to work, stopped to help some ducklings who were unable to jump over the curb to follow their mom.

It’s a very good idea to share this story because we all hope that you, person who is reading this right now, will remember don’t blow past a bunch of stopped cars and kill a pedestrian like this young woman and many many other folks have done.

Are you seriously trying to victim blame the guy who was run over here? It is absolutely the girl’s fault, and only her fault.

Why include that line at the end? Because she indeed WILLhave to live the rest of her life knowing that she killed a man who was just trying to save some ducks”. Even if she wasn’t texting the fact that she was driving a 2 ton death machine in such a manner that she ran over and killed someone in broad daylight is

If you think a man getting hit by a car isn’t automotive-related, I don’t know what to tell ya.