tara belle

this comment is so funny it deserves to be part of her routine.


i once lost $20 having sex in the front ATM section of a bank late at night. Turns out, if you leave the cash just sitting in the machine for too long it sucks it back in (but doesn't return it to your account!).


it is now!

What's more important about the photo of Rachel McAdams is that she is wearing CBC shirt! Represent, girl!


best. best. best.

funny, because one of the most disturbing things i've ever seen on social media is my old lj. :|

This makes me think it's some m. night shyamalan The Village style twist.

that clip from sister act makes me happy cry EVERY TIME.

anybody else with the uncooked ramen all crunched up? the ideal recess snack that (supposedly) would give you worms!

and yet i crave it now.

best, no contest.

i'm pretty sure us canadians call these 'freezies'.

One of the best looks, by far. Her dress is what Angie's could be, but isn't.

me too!

my best friend told me to stay away from my now-husband. apparently he was bad news, led girls on and never called back. we've been together over 8 years, married over 4 and have a beautiful almost 2 year old :)

man, the BEST ONES are in the greys. stupid greys.

so good.

i guess you could say she 'dug' him right away?
