
Gosh, House of 1,000 Bounces hit very close to home for me. I was such a little Rudy growing up, and there was definitely a birthday party that ended in tears because of how overwhelmingly off the rails it got. Being nine is tough, guys.

That explains everything.

I've never seen so many people confirm every single concern I had about an upcoming movie. There's usually some surprise I learn from gleaning a review, something that either lifts up my hopes or dampens them. But for Batman V Superman, it's just a slew of people saying "Everything you were worried about. That's

David S. Goyer is the devil.

Huh, wow. I never thought about it like that before. Zack has has finally changed my mind about Man of Steel. I understand it, I love it, I love Zack Snyder, and I hate myself and everyone else for doubting this amazing man's amazing film. I only hope I can make things right.

What an uneven season. It had no idea where it wanted to go. Who cares about Nobu? Who cares about Black Sky? We keep getting told how important all this is, and how terrifying the Hand and Nobu are, but I don't feel like we're properly shown. The light showdown between Fisk and Murdock in the prison was infinitely

"Hey, Diaz! You like that nerdy shit, right? We need you to watch every episode of Star Trek this weekend and take notes. Thanks."
Diaz: "But…I'm a fantasy nerd…"

Depending on where they fell on the nerdiness spectrum, this could've been one of the greatest weeks or one of the worst weeks in some paralegal's life.

I applaud Burger King's nihilistic downturn. I wish I could even dream about embracing oblivion as hard as BK has been for the last few years.

They stopped existing, most likely. You see, after high school, only a select number of people are allowed to remain on this plane of existence, you obviously being one of them. The others fade away into an "unreality", popping in and out of existence as the Prime group remembers them and futilely posting about

I stopped watching Six Feet Under when they killed off all of my favorite characters.

They need to lose that legacy "30 year ago, three scientists blah blah blah" tag. It makes it seem like it's in the same universe and not a reboot. In a time where everything is all about being a shared cinematic universe, it's gonna confuse people.

That's what I remembered.

I was thinking as I was reading this, "Man, I wish they'd revive Boy Meets World" and then I remembered. Nostalgia is a fool's poison, you guys. Make no mistake.

Slightly disappointed that Barry's bio-dad isn't Zoom, or at least, some form of his dad. I was hoping that something else would explain him peacing out from his son's life after everything, even if that explanation would be as convoluted as him being the big bad in some way, shape, or form. But nope, I guess Henry is

It might be nostalgia, but Ocarina is one of the few games on my old N64 that I'll still beat if I play it. Things like Mario and Banjo are fun for a little while, just to remember how I used to whittle away the hours, while things like 007 are a reminder of how dated something you loved and held in high regard can

I'm sorry, Gus. Did your spontaneous, reckless, unplanned marriage to a near stranger not pan out the way you like? Surely that is her fault because that plan was most definitely flawless. Good thing you're acting like a complete and utter tool about it, because that'll show her what she's missing out on. Another

*earnestly* I ship desk!…*with a sense of resolve and commitment* I ship desk.

I ship…carpet…
I ship…desk.

Cancer, you're despicable.