Menno Wittebrood

Maybe it is not your style or you don’t ‘get’ the value of this sort of graphic work, that doesn’t mean you have to dismiss it. I like the illustrators you mentioned too but this is not really a good comparison in my opinion.

Well maybe Bruna is not well known in America but In a lot of countries he is a very populair and highly praised illustrator ( he was also a graphic designer by the way ) : ‘The first Miffy book was produced in 1955, and almost 30 others have followed. In total they have sold over 85 million copies.’

And check Scandinavian (urban/ hipster) streetwear, they often wear clothing that years later become mainstream in other countries.

I’ll tell him, thanks!

I know Patrick personally and he is a very hard worker. 5 years is off course besides his commercial work at his studio (http://www.frameorder.nl/). I am actually amazed that he was able to pull this of having so much other work to do. :)

The only shooter I let my son of 10 play is Star wars Battlefront (because Star Wars, no blood, SF). He loves it but sometimes I can’t shake the feeling that it’s still too much, too negative. I play a lot of games myself (all types so I know what is out there ) Any thoughts on this?

Gaming........( completionist )

My son of 9 plays Minecraft a lot with his friends, and I love it, I see them have fun together and I am often amazed with what they came up with. ( The building, making their own stories, searching the internet for possible solutions).

Exactly, the reviewer feels rushed, if you would have taken the time to really play the game I feel the review would be different.

Hi ZappaBappa,