Maybe it is not your style or you don’t ‘get’ the value of this sort of graphic work, that doesn’t mean you have to dismiss it. I like the illustrators you mentioned too but this is not really a good comparison in my opinion.
Maybe it is not your style or you don’t ‘get’ the value of this sort of graphic work, that doesn’t mean you have to dismiss it. I like the illustrators you mentioned too but this is not really a good comparison in my opinion.
Well maybe Bruna is not well known in America but In a lot of countries he is a very populair and highly praised illustrator ( he was also a graphic designer by the way ) : ‘The first Miffy book was produced in 1955, and almost 30 others have followed. In total they have sold over 85 million copies.’
And check Scandinavian (urban/ hipster) streetwear, they often wear clothing that years later become mainstream in other countries.
I’ll tell him, thanks!
I know Patrick personally and he is a very hard worker. 5 years is off course besides his commercial work at his studio ( I am actually amazed that he was able to pull this of having so much other work to do. :)
The only shooter I let my son of 10 play is Star wars Battlefront (because Star Wars, no blood, SF). He loves it but sometimes I can’t shake the feeling that it’s still too much, too negative. I play a lot of games myself (all types so I know what is out there ) Any thoughts on this?
Gaming........( completionist )
My son of 9 plays Minecraft a lot with his friends, and I love it, I see them have fun together and I am often amazed with what they came up with. ( The building, making their own stories, searching the internet for possible solutions).
Exactly, the reviewer feels rushed, if you would have taken the time to really play the game I feel the review would be different.
Hi ZappaBappa,