
He controls their money. It’s that simple.

Maryanne not only conspired with Donnie and Robert to screw Fred Jr.’s children out of their fair share of the family inheritance, but she stepped down as a judge in order to dodge investigations into her own shady tax schemes. Of course she won’t publically denounce anything her idiot brother does. She’s just as

It’s always best when one has corroboration, especially from a family source on RECORD. And Judge Trump is less than moral for keeping her recollections to herself for it has enabled her sociopath brother to treat many Americans (and others) as one of his victims. The individual has never gotten over his racist

The so religious whack jobs that support Trump have as much resemblance to Christianity as the Islamic terrorist have to true believers of Islam.  

No, we are having the Trump National Convention starting tomorrow with a few racist republican guest speakers.

Funny how they didn’t pass a law like this when the Tea Party was out protesting. I guess they were the “good” protestors.

Gonna be funny when Trump fans riot in Tenn in 3 months.

This won’t be overturned in the higher courts...nope not all. Seriously, this shit is a waste of time and taxpayer money.

As Obama brilliantly tweeted a while back, VOTE!

Sure, it will get overturned, but in how timely of a manner is the concern. Do it now, you can scare some people off, others may get their rights taken away, but by the time things get overturned and rights get restored, the election may have already passed.

The people who voted for it, who proposed it, should all be held liable for the court costs. Bullshit legislation won’t stop until the people pushing it take some kicks in their financial nuts. Right now, there are no consequences that impact them in the slightest, so they just keep pushing constitution-violating laws

So what you are really saying is that whiteness is their god. The math checks out.

Montesquieu noted that “If triangles had a god, they would give him three sides.”

And they reveal that white evangelicals support Trump not in spite of who he is

They’re the assholes that pray on the corner so everyone can see how pious they are.  The Bible says very specific things about that...

This is exactly how I took it to mean. There may be the same type of diversity among the black population, I don’t know, never seen it myself, but Latino’s are very very different much like you said. Mexicans don’t care about the same shit that Cubans do. I cannot say the same about blacks from California and ones

and Cubanos don’t give a fuck about anyone else as long as there’s not a whiff of Socialism.

See, I thought I knew what he meant too but it’s different from what you wrote and what you wrote makes sense as well.

He means diversity in opinion about the most important issues of the day. While most African Americans would probably say institutional racism and police brutality are key issues, you don’t have the same solidarity with Latinos. Central Americans might be more concerned about refugees, while Mexican Americans more

There’s a goddamn pandemic killing a thousand Americans a day, yet Republicans are spending their time whining and lying about Danish building toys. This is truly the stupidest timeline.