
Ya wanna know what REALLY happened here? “.Kaia was charged with battery for kicking and punching three school employees that day..” Even a charter school must keep a safe environment. 

$100 says he didn’t write that Tweet because the last movie he saw was Debbie Does Dallas.

Which seems to have been completely forgotten in the popular imagination.

No, the best part is what came BEFORE.

Now playing

“i don’ kno’ nuthin ‘bout birtin’ babies!!!”

On the bright side, he clearly picked one with extremely cringworthy racism.

“Can we get ‘Gone With the Wind’ back, please?”

I can’t decide what this election will be about since Trump attacks anyone and everyone depending on the time of day and maybe that is the scary part. This fat piece of shit becomes more unhinged with each passing day. The upcoming trial may send him into a psychotic fit that may cause either a nuclear attack or a

is anyone surprised anymore? bigotry/ homophobia in a republican isn't a bug; it's a feature. 

So much to unpack... Let’s start.


It’s like the make up the shirts first and then realized, “Shit, we ain’t got enough people to fill these things out.” And I guarantee at least five of those shirts are now being used to wash cars.

How is it that you freed the slaves AND are simultaneously the motherfuckers who won’t stop putting up the flag that are on the losing side of the slavery equation?

Bonus points for non-’dirty’ limerick!

I thought this story was going to start with a limerick; like so:

You feed a gremlin after midnight and all anyone cares about is the ensuing murder and mayhem. Nobody remembers that they used to cute and cuddly.

I never understood why black conservatives/conservatives  always bring up that Republicans freed the slaves, so the fuck what? That is like saying Darth Vader did some good things in his past, yeah when he was Anakin Skywalker, not now now when he is half man/half cyborg blowing up planets.

That boy ain’t been right ever since his mama passed.

Mr. West,