
Yeah, we know. Please stop coming. 

well I mean, he wrote one word an hour, so he has in fact mastered writing

Found the libertarian dickweed.

Batters don’t advance to first on balks.

Look, man. The other option was the fucking Dodgers.

They have a very specific agenda: accumulate money and power by any means necessary. 

Ah yes, the argument of bad-faith disingenuous dipshits. Well played.

what the hell is up with the super-massive header image

You sound like a real grade-A fucking idiot.

They’re already waiting from Sunday until Friday. You might as well make it a whole god damn week at this point, it’d only be two more days.

I couldn’t possibly disagree more. I’ve tried 5 flavors of this and they all taste like Dum Dums dissolved in club soda. They all taste like the fake cartoon version of whatever the flavor is supposed to be.

I couldn’t possibly disagree more. I’ve tried 5 flavors of this and they all taste like Dum Dums dissolved in club

Canada Dry tastes bad.

Canada Dry tastes bad.

The flavors Schweppes uses are effing weird. They all taste super-artificial and gross.

The flavors Schweppes uses are effing weird. They all taste super-artificial and gross.

There are three carbonated water options, in order of goodness:

There are three carbonated water options, in order of goodness:

“A judge must expect to be the subject of constant public scrutiny”

“It is an ass with something in it. You have been warned.

I hate to tell you but even non-fiat currency only has imaginary value in our collective heads. It’s all fake, my dude.