Tao Te Chump

According to Adult Swim, it's the first episode of the current season. I don't know what the crew would consider it, though.

Outer Space?

When I see a concert, I'm suddenly bombarded with insight about songs that I embarrassingly missed while listening on my own. This album was the strongest example, with the lighting of "Drawn to the Blood" driving home the violence and the performance of "Fourth of July" turning the repeating "we're all gonna die"

For me, it depends largely on the context in which I listen to it. Depending on whether I'm in a downward bipolar plummet, it can either feel like I definitely shouldn't be listening to it or profoundly inspiring.

I understand that people in the target audience are probably enjoying a fun, well-crafted movie, but I can't stand them and I hope they die while referencing the fact that they're dumb nerds who need to die for being dumb.

Her character is also usually enjoying herself far too much for the Gang to tolerate her for long. She's someone who could easily get along in or out of the group, but, despite being depraved, she seems capable of having a life.

I think next best indicator of Charlie's raw animal violence after the Santa incident is the "Bad Place" accessible through the air ducts in "The Gang Gets Held Hostage." If I had a (child?) psych degree, I could dissect it, but it's pretty easy to get a general idea of the release he needs to deal with whatever

This was definitely my favorite episode of the season so far. Some of the jokes didn't land for me, but it had a higher success rate than most of the season 11 episodes. I found some parts disorienting, but I quickly realized how well that conveyed Frank's perspective. My only major issue was that the direction and

I realise I might fall prey to the same mindset as the writer, but I always thought it was because it's an animated rendering instead of a recording. See also: multicolor holograms of schematics and maps.

I think Torchinsky mistakes Star Wars for science fiction. It's not supposed to be futuristic. Additionally, the quantum entanglement has nothing to do with the quality, as the essay itself admits.

Isn't part of the joke that they suck? I can see how things went well in the actual episode, but it just rang false for me as a viewer. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing where the season goes.

Culture and acceptance are constantly evolving things. I think intention should always matter when judging a person. The damage they might do will be just as bad, but it's better to try and inform them than punish them. This is mainly me venting, though, but my point is that I think people should get points for

I didn't enjoy this episode much. There were elements that I recognized as funny, even without having seen Wolf of Wall Street, but ultimately I kept coming back to being annoyed by what seemed like an unjustifiably long fantasy sequence.

I definitely agree, as I thought it was an insult aimed at cross-dressers until last year. (I'm sure it is, but the point is that I didn't realize it was a toxic slur used against trans people.) I hadn't even thought about the porn thing, but it would make a lot of sense.

I don't think they'd do that to him still alive yet, but give it a few years.

I would guess that if the episode were made today, they wouldn't use it except for a punctuated burst of hatred ala Pop Pop (or Frank as the Warthog).

Occasionally, they have a segment that turns into a surprising commentary/criticism. See: the Kardashian (pig) fashion show, "Steve Harvey or Harvey Milk?," and Andy Cohen talking about inane E! shit over shots of graves.

Out of curiosity, what country are you in? I couldn't find any episodes but the premier on Pivot's site and I'm in the US. I ended up watching it through my satellite provider's website, which was a terrible adventure in its own right.

This show is consistently excellent and the conclusions always feel fully earned. Seasons two and three weren't as poignant to me as season one (which still makes me tear up), but they're great in their own right.

There is no evening that cannot be made better by a myriad of 30 Rock referencing comments.