Tao Te Chump

There's a joke about precognition or future crimes casting a retroactive shadow in there, but I can't find it.

Donald Trump is to be laughed at, not laughed with. Ever since I read Tina Fey's book, I've disliked celebrities playing themselves. There are obvious exceptions when the person is talented and funny, but most of the time it's televised click bait. If your attention isn't held by the novelty of a famous real person

I'm guessing the DNA scans at the end were both a confirmation that Rick is not future-Morty and a set up for the vague mystery of someone not being something or something. (See: baby picture in Birdperson's house.)

If this had been the Republican debate, we could have had some nice synergy between the Dean and Mike Huckabee's tweet from one of the marriage equality rulings that simply said, "Jesus wept."

Was anyone else mildly disappointed that we didn't discover another level that had created Rick's universe? It could still happen later, I suppose, but the existence of lateral alternate universes makes that unlikely. I don't think the micro/mini/teeny-verses existed within a multiverse.

As much as I agree with the indelible F, I'm inclined to disagree with the review over how this one compares to the first two. I think they should all have so-bad-it's-good grades (though I could see why this is reductive) and the third movie is superior.

Sorry. Ollie/Flipper is the One True Pairing.

Fair point. As a fairly rigid square, I didn't account for that.

The lez-gurls-makin-out scene bothered me. It seems out of place, give how other episodes have treated various sexualities as normal aspects of the plot. It's entirely possible that I'm misinterpreting it, or being overly sensitive, but it really struck a nerve in me. I can kind of see it as a way to demonstrate that

As someone who's hosted two college radio graveyard blocks, I can say that there were TWO loyal listeners:

This is the first thing I've seen him in (though both my sister and I find him vaguely recognizable) and I'm very impressed. I'm actually a bigger fan of isolated protagonists than ensemble casts (though this show might pull off both) and his characterization of Elliot is magnetic to me.

My friend and I have a recurring joke that Karl Urban is doomed to always play the second banana if the movie is to be successful. It is a great tragedy.

I'm normally an unreasonable snob who hates action movies, but I couldn't help but love this one. It features the most beautiful violence I've ever seen (if that makes sense) and has an awesome villain.

The AV Club:


I assumed it was to get rid of Tenzin's unintentional cock-blocking. It certainly could have happened, though. Nice comparison!

I still thought the Asami's gesture to Korra at the end of season three could be seen as an intimate friendship, but once they got to this ( https://41.media.tumblr.com… ) point, I pretty much knew what they were trying to do. For me the only question was whether they would be able to pull it off. I can see why it

From the moment Asami lied to Tenzin to be alone with Korra, my heart was pounding. While a kiss, would have been an even stronger statement, part of me feels as though they're not yet to the point in their relationship where they would kiss. Either way, I applaud the decision.

Thanks for all the work you've put into reviewing this great show. Your reviews really helped me dive deeper into the themes and subtleties of Korra, and I made it a ritual to watch the episode, read the review, and rewatch the episode with the review in mind.

I meant more the way Baltar starts actually fighting for someone else, though I don't consider his major shift having happened until the final sequence, when he mentions his farming knowledge and starts to cry.