Tao Te Chump

Battlestar spoiler:

I was confused as to why Skrillex stayed behind—he uses metalbending to create his art. Maybe he's just not trained in combat?

It wouldn't matter if the person was descended from all four types of benders—they established that without a spirit such as Raava/Vaatu, you can only contain the power to bend one element (at a time, at least).

Guessing this means the mook bending the poison was a metalbender, not a waterbender. A bit of nice misdirection.

I see rewatching season one as a good thing.

This is just speculation, but I would guess Marceline gained vampiric eternal youth early in her life. In Farmworld, she has noticeably aged a lot, indicating that something did not happen to her in that universe. But maybe she had a gang? I dunno.

I don't think I've even heard of this show… And it seems pretty bad, but I will most likely DVR Billy Eichner's episode. I have a bad habit of watching single episodes of shitty shows because a comedian I know is on them.

It's probably just me/a coincidence, but I thought the alien shape the monster took to open the portal looked a lot like the megazord fusion of Jake's kids when they work together.

What are the chances that the octopus arms were a Slenderman reference? Not tha I'mt even a fan of it, but I was strongly reminded of it. At any rate, she's always seemed to be the most threatening of the four to me—she routinely holds people at ice point.

In Zaheer's case I think he's supposed to basically be a freak like the other Bad Benders. Plus he had the spiritual part down already… It does make me wonder if he spent most of his imprisonment entering the Spirit World.

The last sentence of this article is a masterpiece.

This is pretty much what I feared from the moment I saw the trailer. This book impacted me a lot as a kid—as I suspect it would any kid who feels a bit different (which is really everyone at some point). It's disappointing that they turned it into a Hunger Games clone.

The documentary The Celluloid Closet has an interview with Gore Vidal where he talks about how the two main characters were written as ex-lovers. I'd be much more interested in seeing a film that played with that element.

I totally hoped that she would only be able to depend on airbending sans avatar state—then she would be able to unleash all four elements.

Well, for the first two seasons they said those words. For some reason, in season three they had use the euphemism of "end him" until the finale when it seems like they had more creative control.

Hell, an old, crotchety Korra punching a computer in frustration would be pretty awesome to see.

Sorry to hear that. I guess I've just had really good luck with their site.

I'm thinking it would be near future, based on how long Avatars tend to live (100+ years usually, with Kyoshi setting the record at 230), but it being close enough to have paparazzi and twitter meltdowns would be interesting.

At the risk of sounding contrarian, I thought Nick did a good job revamping their streaming interface and for me the episode was in glorious HD. I agree with everything else negative said about Nick, though.

Yeah. At a certain point you have to be willing to allow yourself to enjoy a movie. I'm not a fan of "turning off your brain" to enjoy a movie, but I am a big believer in suspending disbelief.