Bad Idea Hat

So wait, she shit on a 13 year old kid who was dying of cancer?

Going to have to disagree completely.

Simple, let him pinch hit. There has to be a famous moment in World Series history where a player’s only at-bat in the entire series was a home run.

I feel like this is the type of kid the Wings have needed for at least a decade now.

108 years.

That’s insanely impressive arm speed.

Is this clown invasion a precursor to Obama’s taking over of America?

Damn, so the Mariners disappeared him.

Now, he just needs to vanish in a cloud.

Mazda’s having enough trouble this weekend.

And a Lada engine crawls out of the sea.

I wish to buy this.

I don’t think he’s a first ballot HOF’er, because nobody should be.

When he said that the number one reason for doing this was courage, I became instantly apoplectic.

That’s okay, Dr. Jerry Jones is going to pronounce him fine in a day or so, so he’ll be good to go.


Mike Pence quadruple parks his lifted Dodge Ram.