
"Open the garage door, Siri."

Chuck Norris trained in Steve Jobs' private dojo.

Zombie trees! They're tough, but they're also reeeaaaallll slow.

Yes, and it wins, too.

Back when I was growing up, the Green Machine OWNED the sidewalk.


One prankster at a bike-a-thon could cause a massive pileup of bodies and bikes.

I was afraid they may have gotten the Pentagon's credit card #, but it is maxxed out anyway.

Apparently HP execs are so far removed from the average person that they have no concept of waste, nor any appreciation for the outrageous cost of HP consumables.

I would use Google+ or any other non-FB social networking site because it doesn't have apps and the security surprises that go with them.

Maybe that's the real reason we haven't returned to the Moon - NASA doesn't want the 21st Century Customs Service confiscating its computers for inspection.

I dunno about Christian Scientists, but the CSM has always struck me as being quite thorough and impartial.

Pseudocode is just a mix of computer language and human language, in whatever style suits you.

My cat would do that every now and then, back when she was younger, apparently for multiple reasons. Two that I can think of were on really hot days, presumably to cool off, and sometimes when she didn't feel well.

The comparisons I've seen show Lubuntu to be the lightest by a wide margin. Xubuntu surprisingly (to me, anyway) weighs in at about the same as Ubuntu itself.

All O/Ses? At once?

My cat occasionally tries to pick up a bit of food with his paw. It never works out the way he planned.

Yeah, because that happens every day in the mail, just like malware.

I've gotten so used to holding down SHIFT when I delete that has become an automatic thing with me.. There've been times that I have regretted that, but I hate wasting disk space with "deleted" files.

Thank you for that clarification, Mr. Putin.