Tanzim W. Rahman

No mention of poetry? What, pray tell, is this then?
'What's that?
It's blue light.
What does it do?
It turns blue.'

Ubik, by Philip K. Dick.
This is probably the PKD-est of PKD novels. It has everything-a near future that feels like the far future, the dirt and grime of cyberpunk, questions of identity and reality, healthy doses of mindfuck and characters talking about philosophy.
Absolutely loving it.

So true about the ground level villains. We don't see the guy who started it all by murdering the girl in maybe more than three scenes. But even he gets to have an arc, and we get how scary that dude is.

I know how this is gonna sound, but Millar's latest stuff, like Empress or Reborn or Starlight is really, really good. None of that icky, 'Look-I'm-so-edgy' stuff. Just straight-forward, good-old fashioned storytelling with a dash of optimism.
I absolutely loathed Millar after reading Nemesis, and tried Starlight on a

I agree about A More Perfect Union, and I'd add the artwork is really off-putting, at least to me. The pseudo-realism and too-glossy look dives right into uncanny valley.
The Vast is pretty odd, it feels like a 'What if Kaijus attacked America' story. I love the detailed artwork too.

Ennis' segment is fun, but it visits some well-trodden territory. 'Ordinary human slowly learning about the supernatural world around them' is a cliche, but Ennis' twists on famous monsters are worth a read.
Kieron Gillen is doing this 'Mad Max meets Pokemon' thing, and it's quickly become my favorite thing about

What did you think of Cinema Purgatorio?

Hundreds of directors are telling basic stories. Can't one tell weird, surreal, dream logic-y ones?

Allow me to geek out for a moment. I think Gorillaz is the most representative band of the postmodern era. They have literally separated the image from the artist, and given life to a self-sustaining, potentially perpetual band.
And the best part is their music lives up to the cutting-edge innovation that is the

Just watched it, and I agree with you. I was surprised by how flavorless everything except the musical numbers was. The story and the dialogue were first year film student levels of obvious. And considering how much I liked Whiplash and how offbeat a movie that was, I was really caught off-guard by La La Land's

Just watched it, and I agree with you. I was surprised by how flavorless everything except the musical numbers was. The story and the dialogue were first year film student levels of obvious. And considering how much I liked Whiplash and how offbeat a movie that was, I was really caught off-guard by La La Land's

Stacking blocks are made by and paid for by full-grown adults too. Doesn't mean most full-grown adults won't get bored playing with them. Because, again, MEANT FOR CHILDREN

Tom King's Vision is the best thing ever written to feature Vision.

Sam Raimi still has the best talking goat scene in horror movies.

I liked Batman V. Superman, and I think a lot of the hate it gets is blown out of proportion.
I couldn't watch Suicide Squad after the first ten minutes.

*******MASSIVE SPOILERS*******

The trailer-makers are trying really hard to sell this as a thriller.

I basically learned English by watching movies/TV shows. I speak in a weird mixture of British and American accents. I wonder what he'd think of that.

Hey, I just started White Jazz! The racism and homophobia really are quite grating. But I love the extremely sparse style of Ellroy's narration. It's like actually being inside the narrator's head.

I enjoyed it when I watched it, but it didn't really leave a lasting impression on me. That movie had maybe one full character. The rest were all archetypes too broad for my liking.