Tanzim W. Rahman

The country is Bangladesh. And I won't waste any more words, because you've obviously made up your mind. You're hear to yell, not to discuss. Conversations can't happen without empathy, and this is not a conversation.

Dude, I live in a Muslim majority country. We suffered a horrible terrorist attack this year, and ISIS was behind it. Our government hunted down all the ISIS affiliates they could find in our country. Trust me, our government condemned ISIS very quickly and precisely.
Most Muslims hate ISIS as much as most Christians

Didn't this come out a while ago?

It really was surprisingly competent, wasn't it? It mercilessly pointed out the problems with the character, it was funny, character-driven and made sense. A very good start.
Also, I loved Young Red Skull as a concept.

I think that sorta comes down to how much you love the Silver Age, or Superman.

I loved You're Next, but I was pretty disappointed by Blair Witch. It felt like too much of a retread of the original movie. Let's hope that was just Wingard doing a 'studio' movie to get the funding for his future (Hopefully more interesting) projects.

Yeah, I think OGF does a better job of depicting inescapable dread compared to Neon Demon.

Who do you think is the defining horror director of this era? James Wan, for better or worse, seems to be most popular choice. Refn I think has a great feel for sustained suspense. Wish he'd make more movies in the genre.

Probably the most effective use of a pre-existing song in a scene.

'The Best Russian Short Stories.'
Just got through Pushkin's The Queen of Spades. Delightful read. The humor is biting and the story intriguing from start to finish. But I'm beginning to see a certain ridicule/disdain for German expats in the Russian fiction of that time. What's up with that?

And the things Shelvey did with white space on that run. Just insane.

Yeah, I watched A New Hope after I was considerably grown up, and it felt a little hollow to me (I've since come around to the mythic simplicity of it). I watched Dune right afterwards, and it felt like Star Wars with personality.


Who wrote the shitty song played at the end of this movie?

I enjoyed it, but it felt too much like a retread of the original. Especially the ending. Wish they'd gotten a bit more creative with the scares.

Yeah but that's what I'm talking about. Recent data should have made it obvious to intelligent marketing people that this particular branding strategy does not work. Others have tried the same, and the market did not respond.

I don't get how remakes can be met with failure after failure (Both critically and commercially) and still keep getting greenlit.

Yeah, it was inconsistent. But Tim Roth was always a lot of fun.

I've read N. Liked it a lot. I'm not a huge fan of King's writing, but I thought it was one of his better works.

Sounds right up my alley. Thanks!