
Don’t worry guys, media consolidation is actually a really great thing overall and is beneficial for consumers and creators. We swear! Please be excited about Microsoft consuming Activision, too! It’s for your our own good! I mean, your own good! Believe us!

Ultimately, your retort misses the point entirely.

Seems to me Bethesda actually gets away with some stuff other Devs get called out on more. “Oh, it’s just Bethesda jank, modders will fix it, it’s expected.”

At some point, you have to ask yourself about your own expectations for games (i.e. things we play to kill time for fun). We are entering into an environment socially now where everyone wants every single thing addressed according to their liking or articles get written like this. Had the devs/writers stopped to “more

The primary difference between Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S is in resolution

I’m in the opposite camp, I’ve been waiting 10 years for a new AC. The newest Bethesda RPG can hang out for a while until I’ve kicked enough robots off of cliffs.

The cult of personality around billionaires is distressing and profoundly sad for the fate of humankind.

Dear Penthouse,

Twitter as humanity’s collective consciousness. Christ, you pretentious silver-spooned dork will you please shut the fuck up. Yes, the 4% or whatever of people on earth who are on Twitter, or at least whatever percentage of that 4% are blue-checks so their opinions count, should stand for all of humanity as they bitch

Elon Musk Is Once Again Thinking[..]

As a 5’3” short king, I can confirm we actually can’t kiss our lovers. I’m always asking men for uppies before we smooch and it still doesn’t work. It’s brutal out here.

“Interest in Star Wars Jedi Survivor has decreased since release, which means it’s a bad game.”

“Interest in Tears of the Kingdom has decreased since release, which means it’s a bad game.”

Do we see how stupid this looks now?

Like, it’s a mediocre bloated open world game. And those are a dime a dozen. But the hate boner

You tried to look at the dog’s collar.

Yup. I didn’t pick up Hogwarts, because it’s not the kind of thing I wanted to put money towards, but this is such an inane article. Shocking news: single player RPG isn’t a live-service game!

I’m not a 100% completionist gamer. I beat the main campaign and a good portion of the sidequests. Played a little after to keep exploring but lost interest.

It’s a single player RPG, and like the headline says it’s been 6 months after release with several high profile games that have launched in the interim and soaked up the limelight.

Indoor fireworks?! No problem!

I should have clarified; I want LOCAL co-op and the current LAN party setup still requires an Internet connection... for reasons?... and a PC to act as the host. I want what Halo and Halo II had, where all you needed was a bunch of Xboxes.

Well get on it then, we've been waiting!
