Tell that to the 400,000 concurrent Steam players and the unknown number of PS5 players that are currently breaking records.
Tell that to the 400,000 concurrent Steam players and the unknown number of PS5 players that are currently breaking records.
Most huh? You having issues doesn't prove "most".
I do think the charm, niche, and overall scale of the game helps a lot too
It is a MASSIVE game. The odds of it not having issues at launch were slim.
I mean, as you described it, yeah. Minor. Especially compared to how much more there is to celebrate with this title.
So what?
Oh for sure. We need that competition and as many differentiating factors as possibly contributes to that.
That’s definitely a plus. I don’t mean to imply this was all bad.
Didn’t Sony also say they were shooting to be the most powerful console of the next gen?
Grounded, Pentiment, Sea of Thieves, and Hi-Fi Rush
Yeah, you’ve got some issues. Clearly.
You straw man way too frequently to take seriously. And every question you asked me here I’ve already explained.
You’re still doing the exact same crap. I’m done with it because you are demonstrably wrong and all of your arguments are based on conjecture and prediction.
Alright, I’m done with this conversation since you don’t argue in good faith at all.
No, I’m using content intentionally. Content matters most. That’s why libraries carrying over matters to some. They keep access to their content.
Not sure where you get the idea I’m happy that MS is struggling or that my opinion is infallible. That just sounds like a pointless attack on me because you have no actual argument to make.
Yeah, you’ve not really answered any of those rebuttals. You’ve just repeated yourself for the most part.
You still haven’t given a reason why digital libraries carrying over is any different than expecting backwards compatibility. You just reiterated your claim without drawing any actual distinction between the two. People expected backwards compatibility since the PS2 and PS3 both had it at launch. The 4 didn’t have it…
Physical versus digital media is pretty irrelevant to the discussion.
The PS4 was the strongest launch for Playstation ever without BC of any kind. That certainly speaks more to the strength of reputation and familiarity than any sort of library carryover. There was some backlash but it didn’t seem to have any demonstrable affect on their sales. The PS2 had also set the precedent BC and…