The fundamental disagreement isn’t one of terms.
The fundamental disagreement isn’t one of terms.
You really aren’t arguing any new points and you don’t seem to be really looking at my arguments as a whole. You’re more interested in pointing out what you think are inconsistencies but they aren’t. You seem to ignore the larger context in favor of picking at the minutiae. But you aren’t even doing that accurately.
We don’t disagree. You’re just wrong.
It doesn’t contradict at all. You’re comparing apples and oranges. You wouldn’t compare amusement park prices to medical expenses. That’s the problem. Gas is a relative need. Video games are a luxury. You really like to take things out of context don’t you? It almost seems like you don’t actually read the entire…
No. Not at all. The detrimental comparison was simply to show you how absolutely awful that comparison was.
I don’t think these choices are good or bad. Because they aren’t. Your gas analogy is ridiculous because that’s relatively inelastic demand. Gaming is a luxury item. You’re comparing something people can need to something people objectively don’t need.
It’s not a bad choice, it’s the same choice every single consumer has. If you are going to call that a bad choice, then buying a console at all is a bad choice.
But these aren’t good or bad choices at all. That’s why I don’t make the distinction. It isn’t myopic, it’s logical.
No one is forced to do anything and preferred platform is a personal choice, not a market dictate. No internal market force is compelling someone to buy one platform over another or even multiple platforms.
Everything *We* Know About BioShock Spiritual Successor Judas
Ok? That doesn’t move the conversation forward at all.
I don't view this as a pro corporate stance. It's very pro consumer from top to bottom.
I’m extending my overall view of how consumers make choices and what factors to consider in what they purchase to the existence of demos that are platform exclusive.
Yes. I do.
Pretty sure they said it's a new ip
OK? That doesn’t refute anything I’ve said. At all. None of it.
You have a low bar for “great detail”.
I think it’s more a combination for me.
I 100% said that.